Re-vive Capsule X10
About this item
Re-vive is an herbal tonic that boosts sexual performance.
Poor Sexual Drive (Poor Libido): the psychic energy or instinctual drive associated with sexual desire, pleasure, or creativity. it may also refer to unwillingness to copulate on the part of a male.
Low Sperm Count (azoospermia): absence of spermatozoa in the semen, or failure of formation of spermatozoa with resultant infertility.
Premature Ejaculation: Premature ejaculation occurs when male sexual climax (orgasm) occurs before a man wishes it or too quickly during intercourse to satisfy his partner.
Ingredient: Radix Ginseng 80mg, Herb Epimedii 80mg, Fructus Tribuli 80mg, Radix Polygoni Multiflori 80mg, Cortex Eucommiae 40mg, Cordyceps Militaris 40mg.
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