Fiscox is an important, effective and commonly used coccidiostat. It exerts marked inhibitory effects on intestinal and caecal coccidiosis in Poultry.
Coccidiosis is a severe disease and can affect productivity in the poultry industry. So, proper control measures should be followed for its prevention of occurrence. Control measures include good husbandry, as a prime requirement and the use of anticoccidial drugs such as fiscox for both prophylaxis and treatment. For the drug to be an effective anticoccidial, it should be used prophylactically instead of therapeutically.
They are used for the prevention and treatment of coccidia and outbreaks. They are also effective against intestinal and caecal forms of coccidia. They stop the onset of the disease by acting against the second-generation schizonts of E. tenella and E. necatrix. They can act upon first-generation schizonts and possibly against sexual stages but much higher doses are required. The use of these drugs does not impair immunity development.
Composition per gram
Sulphaquinoxaline sodium: 150mg
Trimethoprim: 50mg
Vitamin K: 5 mg
Vitamin A: 15,000IU
Dosage/Administration Of Fiscox
Prevention: 1g in 2 litres of drinking water for 3-5 days
Calves, lambs, rabbits, swine:
1 gram per 7.5kg bodyweight for 3-5 days
Withdrawal Period Of Fiscox
Egg: 10 days
Meat: 14 days
Special Warning
Do not use for layers in the laying period, the continuous medication should not exceed a week. Store in a cool and dry place below 25-degree Celcius.
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