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Advantan Ointment, 15g

Sku: 74000659111

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Advantan Ointment, 15g

Sku: 74000659111

16,000.00 Save:4,000.00(20%)


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Advantan Ointment, 15g
What Advantan Ointment is and what it is used for?
Advantan Ointment is an anti-inflammatory medicine (a corticosteroid) which is intended to be used on the skin.

Advantan Ointment reduces the inflammation and allergic reaction of the skin. Therefore it lessens redness (erythema), fluid build-up (oedema) and fluid oozing from the inflamed skin. It also relieves the itchiness, burning sensation or pain you may feel.
Advantan is used for the treatment of skin conditions that are sensitive to corticosteroids.
How does Advantan Ointment work?
Advantan 0.1% Ointment suppresses inflammatory and allergic skin reactions as well as reactions associated with increased cellular regeneration. It is indicated for the treatment of Atopic dermatitis (endogenous eczema, neurodermatitis), contact eczema, degenerative, dyshidrotic, vulgar eczema, eczema in children.
What is Atopic Eczema?
Atopic eczema (atopic dermatitis) is one of the most common forms of skin conditions. It causes dry, cracking and itchy skin that can lead to permanent scars if left untreated- especially in children who have had this issue before they turned 1 year old

It?s usually a lifelong condition but some people may experience improvement with time or even complete clearance as they get older.
Atopic eczema is a chronic skin disease that causes the body to become itchy, dry and sore. Some people only experience small patches of red inflamed skin on lighter colored clothing while others may have widespread symptoms all over their bodies if they are not treated properly; this can be more difficult for those with dark colors because it will show up as purple or grey spots rather than light pink ones like in an ordinary person?s case

When someone has atopy (which includes many types of allergic reactions), his/her immune system mistakes something environmental such as pollen counts from grass outside where there shouldn?t normally exist any kind
Advantan Ointment Reviews
After using Advantan Ointment, it?s helpful to let others know about your experience. Reviews of an item help other users know that medicines received have helped the condition it is claimed for, how well the treatment worked or any issues to be aware of. We invite our users to leave a review of both their treatment and of the service provided. Click on the reviews tab to see if there has been feedback on this item.
What is the price of Advantan Ointment in Nigeria
The price of Advantan Ointment is N3660
Where can you buy Advantan Ointment In Nigeria?
You can Buy Advantan Ointment at Asset Pharmacy Lagos Nigeria, Nigeria?s Largest Online Pharmacy

Additional Information
Dimensions 628574000642 cm


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Advantan Ointment, 15g 16,000.00 Save:4,000.00(20%)
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