Cucumber Akito F1 (Hybrid)| 50g
Cucumber Akito F1 is a popular all-female variety of ridge-cucumber which hives high yields of slender bitter-free fruits. It is an excellent choice for those who want the superior taste of a ridge-cucumber but the vigor of a modern hybrid. Akito F1 can be grown outside or under-cover and the fruits are about 20 cm long and lightly spun.
How to grow:
Sow seeds in pots or modules of good quality organic compost during April and May. Pot into 7 cm pots when the true leaves have formed.
Transplant into the permanent site with canes or strings for them to grow up. The stem is very delicate, be careful during transplanting and water carefully to avoid damping off.
Transplant outdoor cucumbers in May or June after all danger of frost has passed. A wigwam of canes placed 60cm apart is the best support, tie the plants in as they grow.
Harvest from late June onwards picking regularly.
Pests and diseases:1
Cucumbers can be affected by aphids, red spider mites, cucumber mosaic viruses, and mildew.
Cucumber cultivation: Useful tips
The most suitable soil type for growing cucumber is sandy loamy or sandy soils, because of faster absorption of heat than other soil types. The steps involved in planting cumber include:
Clear and plough: Clear and plough the farmland where you intend to farm cucumber. Remove all unwanted things on the farmland. The land should not contain trees or shrubs. Note that cucumber needs sunshine to grow very well, therefore they should be appropriately exposed to sunlight.
Application of organic manure: This is commonly done before making beds. You can apply pig, cow, or poultry droppings and allow for 3 days or more before planting.
Make Beds: The height of the bed should be 20cm – 30cm. Beds should not be made higher because cucumber does not grow too deeply into the soil. The width should be 1.0cm. The spacing between the beds should be 0.5 – 1m.
Include drip irrigation systems: It is highly recommended to install drip irrigation systems especially if you are planting during the dry season. There may not be a need for irrigation systems during the rainy seasons. Either way, have it in mind that cucumber requires enough water on a daily basis.
Cover the beds with mulching films: Mulching is done to suppress weeds and conserve water in cucumber production. Holes are open on it where crops grow through in. You must dispose of mulching films properly after usage. The distance between one hole and the other is about 40 – 50cm. Place your order for your Cucumber Cucumber Akito F1 today, we deliver nationwide