Livflush super is a liver tonic produced to handle cases of mycotoxicosis, fatty liver syndrome, fatty liver hemorrhagic
syndrome and other metabolic diseases associated with liver in poultry. It assists the hepatocytes to regenerate faster in cases of damage and reduces excess fat deposit in the birds.
The liver is our most vital organ and may even determine our life span. It is the main detoxifying gland and its capability to detoxify food, chemicals and foreign substances is the basis of our health. It is composed of a number of bile ducts and when some are obstructed others take over.
These chemicals then travel in the bloodstream and throughout the body, including the brain. Therefore the liver of your animals needs to be protected, this is why it is important to detox their liver; thus the importance of the Livflush super.
In today’s world, different types of toxins can overload the liver of your animals and lead to stagnation. This safe, effective tonic for poultry is designed to gently flush the liver and nourish the body. It is especially useful for ill, ageing, injured or distressed animals.
The Livflush Super Can Also Be Beneficial For:
Improving liver enzyme count and function
Minimizing allergic reactions
Relieving congestion
Eliminating toxins from the liver
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