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Marshal (Insecticide | 1 Liter Bottles)

Sku: ALMsl-L

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Marshal (Insecticide | 1 Liter Bottles)

Sku: ALMsl-L

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Marshal is a cyhalothrin-based organic compound that is used as a pesticide. It is a pyrethroid, a class of synthetic insecticides that mimics the structure and insecticidal properties of the naturally occurring pyrethrin which comes from the flowers of chrysanthemums.

It is highly effective against aphids, sucking and chewing insects, spider mites, caterpillars, thrips, whiteflies, etc.
Marshal is indicated for combating insect pests of the following crops: Tomatoes, cotton, Macademia, grapes, peas, maize, sorghum, potatoes, dry beans, sweet corn, green beans, and controlling cutworm of all crops.

Active ingredients in Marshal

Lambda-cyhalothrin (pyrethroid) 50 g/ℓ
Lambda-Cyhalothrin 2.5 E.C.

Marshal: Product benefits

Faster uptake and symptoms.
Highest levels of long-term insect control.
Greater consistency in a wider range of weather conditions.

Mixing instruction

Make the mixture as indicated by half filling the spray tank with clean water.
Afterward, start agitation and add the required amount.
Fill with water to the required volume.

Ground application
Apply using a conventional high volume sprayer with hollow cone nozzles, giving a medium to fine droplet for adequate and even distribution. Do not spray wet plants.
Aerial application

Aerial application of Marshal may only be done by a registered Aerial Application Operator.
Ensure that the spray mixture is distributed evenly over the target area and that the loss of spray material during application is restricted to a minimum.
It is therefore essential that the following criteria be met:

Volume: A spray mixture volume of 30 ℓ per hectare is recommended.
Droplet coverage: 30 to 40 droplets per cm² must be recovered at the target area.


Stop spraying if the wind speed exceeds 15 km/h.
Stop spraying under turbulent, unstable, and dry conditions during the heat of the day.
Spraying under temperature inversion conditions (spraying in or above the inversion layer) and/or high humidity conditions (relative humidity 80% and above) may lead to:

reduced efficacy due to suspension and evaporation of small droplets in the air (inadequate coverage).
damage to other sensitive crops and/or non-target areas through drifting of the suspended spray cloud away from the target field.



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Marshal (Insecticide | 1 Liter Bottles)
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