ND Oil Emulsion Vaccine
ND Oil Emulsion Vaccine is an inactivated vaccine containing the Komarov strain which is used for protection against Newcastle disease in chicken and turkeys.
Newcastle disease (ND), caused by viruses in the serotype avian paramyxovirus type 1 (APMV-1), is an acute viral disease of domestic poultry and many other bird species.
ND is a worldwide problem that ranges clinically from inapparent to a rapidly fatal condition characterized by gastrointestinal, respiratory and/or nervous signs.
This Newcastle disease oil emulsion vaccine contains the Komarov strain.
Store the vaccine at 2ºC-8ºC, protected from direct sunlight.
Apply stringent aseptic procedure.
Ensure that you warm vaccine to room temperature (20ºC-25ºC) just before use.
Shake well before and during use.
Use by instructions of a veterinarian.
Vaccinate only a healthy flock.
Discard unused vaccine.
ND Oil: Administration and dosage
0.5 ml per bird subcutaneously (S.C.)
Newcastle disease
Newcastle disease is an infection of domestic poultry and other bird species caused by the virulent strains of Newcastle disease virus (NDV).
Note that chickens are the most susceptible to ND, waterfowl the least susceptible of all domestic poultry.
The virus is shed through exhaled air, respiratory discharges, and faeces.
The severity of the disease caused by NDV depends on the virulence of the infecting virus and host susceptibility.
Clinical manifestations vary from high morbidity/mortality to asymptomatic infections. The severity of infection depends on virus virulence, bird age, immune status, and host susceptibility.
Observed signs depend on the systemic predilection of the virus (respiratory, digestive, or nervous systems).
Respiratory signs include gasping, coughing, sneezing, and rales.
Nervous signs: Tremors, paralyzed wings/legs, twisted necks, circling, clonic spasms, and sometimes complete paralysis.
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