
Tomato Maxim F1| 5g


Tomato maxim F1 is a tall indeterminate hybrid variety of tomato, tall with vigorous plant habit. Maxim plants develop broad, dark green leaves with excellent foliage cover. Tomato maxim F1 fruits are square oblong in shape and are very firm fruits turning deep uniform red colour at ripening stage.
Features of Tomato Maxim F1

Ideal for greenhouse farming
Strong vigorous plant with the good heat setting
Average 7 – 9 fruit per plant
Harvesting cycle 5 – 9 months under good agronomic practice
Tomato maxim plants are tolerant to Bacteria wilt, Fusarium & Verticillium wilt Stemphylium and TMV
Yield potential: Average 70 – 80 Tons/acre and 175 – 200 Tons/Ha

Important Cultural Practices

Tomato is one of the most widely grown vegetables in the world. The popularity of tomatoes among consumers has made them an important source of vitamins A and C in diets.
Climate and soil requirements. Tomatoes grow best in temperatures 20–27°C. Fruit setting is poor when average temperatures exceed 30°C or fall below 10°C. Tomatoes prefer well-drained soil because they are sensitive to waterlogging. The optimum soil pH is 6.0–7.0.
Tomatoes benefit from crop rotation. Growing tomato after paddy rice, for example, reduces the incidence of disease and nematodes. Avoid planting the tomato seeds in a field planted the previous season with tomato, pepper, eggplant, or another solanaceous crop. These crops share some insect and disease problems.

Harvesting and Storage
Tomatoes are ready to harvest when they are a uniform colour. Harvest before any spits in the flesh appears. Although still edible, a split fruit is considered overripe. Store tomatoes in a cool, dark place. They won’t last for more than a few days, and any fruit with an open wound should be eaten immediately.
Nutritional Benefits of Tomato Maxim F1

Tomato maxim is a great source of vitamins
They protect heart health
Improve you vision
Boost digestive health
Help with diabetes management
Guard skin health
Protect against cancer