Vitamin E and Selenium are needed by poultry as they enhance fertility and hatchability. They combat free radical formation leading to a higher disease resistance by the birds
They help in increasing the size of eggs laid
Vitamin E ensures Vitamin E concentration in the egg yolk
They increase the nutritional value of poultry meat and egg
They prevent development of encephalomalacia/crazy chick disease
They prevent the problems of impaired feed conversion
Deficiency of Vitamin E and Selenium is hardly detectable sub-clinically but leads to the following:
Higher susceptibility to infectious diseases
Retarded growth and impaired feed conversion
Fatal aberrant development of the brain (encephalomalacia – crazy chick syndrome)
Diminished fertility
Reduced stress resistance
Liver necrosis
Disorders of the cellular membrane
Benefits of Using Vit E/ Selenium in Poultry Birds
These are:
High quality of eggshell
Combats free radicals in birds and enhance disease resistance
Improvement of chick viability
Helps to maintain and sustain the integrity of the structural tissue
Essential for growth and reproduction
Supports the development of the nervous system
Ensures vitamin E concentration in egg yolk
Enhances the nutritional value of meat and egg
It helps in better transfer of Vit E+ Selenium to egg and semen leading to improvement of egg quality
Animal species: poultry
Route of administration: oral
Dosage: 1L medicates 2,000 liters of water
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