Hello, Here is our list of the top Geography laboratory equipment constantly purchased from our outlets with prices.
This page was published on the 2nd of September, 2022. From then till now, prices have changed in your favor.
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1. Stevenson’s screen
2. Six thermometer 4500
3. Rain gauge 5000
4. Hygrometer 3000
6. Barometer 6000
7. Wind vane 5000
8. Measuring Cylinder. 100ml 1800. 250ml 3500. 500ml 4000. 1000ml 5500
9. Atlas
10. Protractor 1800
11. Chart on political map of Nigeria 2500
12. Chart on political map of Africa 2500
13. Chart on vegetation map of Nigeria 2500
14. Chart on climatic map of Nigeria 2500
15. Chart on drainage & relief of Nigeria 2500
16. Chart on vegetation map of Africa 2500
17. Chart on climate of Africa 2500
18. Set square 850
19. Models of landforms
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