Say the Sinners Prayer: Find Peace & Joy - Get Eternal Life
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Say the Sinners Prayer: Find Peace & Joy

Say the Sinners Prayer

Are you tired, worn out and distressed? Does it seem like you have lost your joy and the strength to go on?

Wherever you are around the world, I assure you that you are not alone. With global economies failing, sicknesses ravaging, wars, and the news of conflicts and misery on every media station, life can turn very sour to even the bravest of heart.

But it is not about what is happening in the world ( as the Bible has predicted worse days), it is about who is in you, and with you in these times.

Jesus Christ said in John 16 verse 33 “…These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation(troubles): but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

Again I ask you, who is with you during this time? Do you have with you Jesus Christ – the prince of peace, or are you walking life alone. It is dangerous to walk this days without Jesus Christ.

My friend, If you are not yet born again, it is high time to make Jesus Christ the Lord and Guardian of your life by saying this simple sinners prayer from your heart in the video attached or text below. The Lord God will hear you, save your soul and begin a new day in your life.

Prayer of Salvation by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

Please say:

โ€œDear Lord God, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Your word says, โ€œโ€ฆthat anybody who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be savedโ€. Dear God, I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. I believe he died for me and that he was buried and raised from the dead.

Right now, I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord of my life. I receive by faith eternal life into my spirit.

Thank you Lord for saving my soul. I now have eternal life in me. I am saved, I am born again, I am a new creation. Hallelujah!”


You are now a new born child of God. Welcome to this great family!!

To receive mentorship and resources to help you grow in your new life with God, kindly fill the form below and we will get in touch with you.

Call to Salvation Form

We will be mentioning your name in our prayers to God and would reach out often.

Short clips for your spiritual growth

  1. What Does it mean to be Born Again – 2 Minutes
  2. Why you must be Born Again – 22 Minutes
  3. Don’t go back to old association – 2 Minutes
  4. If you ever joined a cult, you can never be born again until… – 5 minutes
  5. What does it mean to be a Christian – 43 Minutes
  6. You cannot love the Father and the world – 13 Minutes
  7. Does a Born Again Christian need Deliverance – 9 Minutes

Page Info: This page is on the sinners prayer

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