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Hello, Here is our list of the top 100 Physics laboratory equipment constantly purchased from our outlets with prices.

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4Spring Balances0-19N x 0.1N 1000
5Plasticine  2200
6Smoke boxes for Brownian Movement  7000
7Glass tubes ( for diffusion) with appropriate rubber tubbing  6000
10Beakers500 2000
11Pendulum bobs with hooks  900
12Stop clock/stopwatchesx 1 sec 12000/1800
13Metre rule and half- metre rulesx 1mm 1000
14pulley on clamps for demonstrating addition of forces  7500
15Force boards to be contructed locally and to be as drawing boards  6000
16Tripple pulleys  2000
17Hydrometers for Lead/acid cells  3000
18U-tube manometers  6500
19Pair of vernier callipers (combined external and internal )  5000
20Flywheels( for demostration)  33000
21Spiral spring  900
22Pair of vernier callipers ( demostration type)  7000
23Micrometer screw gauges  3000
24inclined planes ( simple type without protractor )  15000
25Lift pumps (glass model) 5000
26Force pumps (glass model)  5000
27Tripod stands  900
28Wire gauze for tripod stands(Asbestos stands) 800
29Bunsen Burners  2300
30Thermometers    -10o C to 100oC 1000
31Boudon gauges (pressure gauge)0-13 X 105mm2 8000
32Bungs and Tubes (to borethrough cork etc)  5000
33Capillary tubes0.5mm bore Length 1.5m 1200
34Retort stands, boss and clampsBase 19cm X 11cm and 50cm X 1.3m 6000/7000
35Knife edges  500
36Graduated cylinders0-100cm3 1500
38Barometer tubes (glass) for demonstrating atmosphere pressure  7000
39Copper vessels for heat experimentsDiameter 75mm Length 100mm 7000
40Corks2,4cm diameterRubber 6000 Wooden 5000
43Linear expansion apparatusRod of length 500mm,diameter 5mm 18000
44Steam traps(glass type)Length 125mm 5000
45Ray boxes(12V,24W bulb) 7000
46Holders for lens and mirror  700
47Plane mirror10cm x 7cm 1000
48Rectangular blocks25 x25 x 50cm glass/perspex/plastic 1500
49Triangular prismsInterior angles 600 1200
50Drawing pins  3500
51Filters,glass assorted colours to fit ray box  6000
52Optical pinsHeight 75mm 4000
53Concave mirrorsspherical,5cm Diameter,f=10cm,f=20cm 1000. 15/20cm 1500
54convex mirrorsspherical,5cm Diameter,f=10cm 1000 each
55Converging lenses38mm diameter.f=10cm,f=15cm 1000 each 15/20cm 1500
56Diverging lenses38mm diameter,f=15cm 15/20cm 1500
59Slinky for demonstration of wave)115mm closed length,78mm diameter 5000
60Ripple tanks complete with accessories  30000
61Hand stroboscopesWooden handle plywood disc 6000
62Bell jars  5500
63Hand stroboscopes  5500
64Glass tubes with rubber tubings useful for resonance experiments3cm diameter and 1.5m long 5500
65Set of weights(slotted)Multiples of 10 2kg,5kg,1kg 100g 4000 50g 3500 20g 3000 10g 2500 5g 1800
66Regular bar magnets50 x16 x10mm 1000
67Horse-shoe magnets75mm long 2000
69Iron fillings500g bottle 5000
72Crocodile clips2 packets of 12 8000
73Polythene rods20 x1,3cm diameter 3000
74Acetate rods25×2.5×0.15cm 5000
75Bulbs2.5V 0.3A 800
77Ammeters (D.C)0-3Ax0.1A 4000
78Voltmeter(D.C)0-5Vx0.1V 4000
79Galvanometers1-0-1Ma 4000
80power units0-12v AC/DC, 4A 8000
81Electric motors ( for demonstration )1 watt, 1.5 – 6V 6500
82Bimentallic strip15 x 2cm mounted on a wooden handle 2500
84immersion Heaters50W dc 38000
86Electric motors1.5-12V D.C 6000
87Coil2400 turns with tapping at 1200 turns 9000
88Zinc plates3cm x10cm 2000
89Copper plates3cm x10cm 2000
90Rheostats0-15 Ohms 4500
91Soft iron rods1cm x 10cm 1500
92Hard steel rods2mm x 20cm 1500
93Electric bells  5500
94Weston standard cells  18500
95Coils5000 turns with tappings at 250 8000
96Resistors1 Ohms,2 Ohms and 5 Ohms 800
97Plugs Keys  800
98Wheatstone (meter) bridges with accessories complete with jockey 10000
99IronCores to fit 5000 turn coils 7000
100Multimeter(Avometer)AC/DC 5500
101Lead-Acid accumulators6V, Motorcycle type 9000
102Daniel cells  6000
103Leclanche cell,(wet type)  6000
104Constantan wireS.W.G. 24,26,28 and 32 4000
105Potentiometer  7000
107Demonstration transformerOne mains coil,230-2400,50HZ, 48000
2400 turns output 6-12v at 2A max, 54000
Secondary turns 65,150 45000
109Induction Coil  17000
110Jockeys  900
111Resistance boxes1-50 ohms 8000
112Gold -leaf Elecroscopes  14000
113Chemical/scale balances  12000
114Connecting wires  3500/roll

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