Immuno Indications
To favor, improve and modulate the activity of the immune system (both in hyper and hypo sense).
Drop in immune defenses, allergies, acute and chronic flu syndromes. Autumn-winter prevention, upper respiratory tract infections, various types of immune deficiencies, acquired immune imbalances, pre-vaccination prevention, tonic and stimulant.
Complementary properties
Diuretic, uricosuric, antirheumatic, activating the emunctory, antiseptic and vasoprotective systems.
Alnus glutinosa mother tincture; echinacea angustifolia mother tincture; echinacea purpurea mother belt; aloe mother tincture; betula pubescens glyceric macerate; propolis mother tincture; ribes nigrum glyceric macerate; rose hip glycerine macerate; gingko mother tincture; hypericum mother tincture; junglans regia glyceric macerate; citrus grandis tinturamadre; tymus vulgaris mother tincture; uncaria tomentosa mother tincture; abies pectinatamacerate glyceric.
50 ml bottle with dropper.
Cod. C02
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