Fisemvitapeak is a formulation of multivitamins fortified with essential vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and trace elements.
The offered product is unique for its ability to supplement animal feed diet that may be deficient in required vitamins and amino acids.
Improves FCR through increase appetite for feed consumption.
It can also boost egg production, egg size, and shell quality.
It helps livestock in the disease recovery phase and boots immune status.
Reduces stress associated with transportation, vaccination, debeaking, etc.
Boosts fertility and hatchability in breeders.
Highly affordable and cost-effective.
High dilution factor.
Dosage/ Administration
1ml per 4liters of drinking water for poultry of all ages
10ml per 50kg bodyweight in cattle, sheep, and goat.
Importance of vitamins in poultry production
Vitamins are a group of organic compounds that poultry only require in small quantities, but they are essential for normal body functions, growth, and reproduction. A deficiency of one or more vitamins can lead to a number of diseases or syndromes.
Vitamin C supplementation is useful when birds are in stress.
Vitamin A is required for normal growth, reproduction, and maintenance of epithelial cells in good condition (skin and the linings of the digestive, reproductive, and respiratory tracts).
Deficiency of vitamin A causes nutritional roup, characterized by conjunctivitis, oculo-nasal discharge, and eyelids stuck together with thick exudates.
Vitamin D3 is required for proper absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorous, which are required for normal growth, bone development, and eggshell formation.
Deficiency of vitamin D3 leads to rickets. Birds produce thin-shelled eggs with reduced hatchability, show leg weakness, and penguin-like sitting posture. The beak, claws, and ribs become very pliable.
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and important for normal neurological functions. Deficiency leads to encephalomalacia/crazy chick disease, exudative diathesis in young birds, muscular dystrophy seen more frequently in older and mature birds.
Vitamin K is essential for the synthesis of prothrombin, thus it plays an important role in clotting mechanisms and also has a protective effect against coccidiosis.
Deficiency of vitamin K may cause an increase of blood spots in eggs, hemorrhages in the legs and breast, and failure of blood clotting.
The B vitamins include vitamin thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, biotin, folic acid, and cyanocobalamin. B vitamins are involved in many metabolic functions, including energy metabolism. A vitamin premix is typically used to compensate for the fluctuating levels of vitamins found naturally in food and to assure adequate levels of all vitamins.
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