
Fowlpox vaccine
Our fowlpox vaccine is recommended for the vaccination of healthy poultry birds aged 6 weeks (or older) and at least 4 weeks prior to the start of lay-in-laying birds.

It is a prophylactic regimen for the prevention of fowl pox, a slow-spreading viral infection that affects most bird species, including all commercial forms of poultry.
When used as indicated, this product will aid in preventing the clinical signs caused by the virulent field strain of the fowlpox virus.
We have the 500-dose and 1000-dose of the vaccine, categorized as the large-dose vial variant.
The vaccine can be stored at -20⁰C.
It is for veterinary use only.

Administration of fowlpox vaccine

Reconstitute with sterile cold buffered solvent.
Hold the bird and spread the underside of one wing outward.
Pierce the web of the exposed wing with the applicator, discharging the vaccine.
The stylet of the needle should be inserted from beneath through the wing web and care should be taken to push the feathers aside so as to avoid damaging the blood vessels.
Insert the double needle applicator into the vaccine vial again and proceed to vaccinate the next bird.
During vaccination avoid hitting large blood vessels, bones, and wing muscles with the applicator.
Do not inject in any other site except exposed wing web.


Fowlpox can cause depression, reduced appetite, and poor growth or egg production.
It occurs in both a wet and dry form.
The wet form is characterized by plaques in the mouth and upper respiratory tract.
The dry form is characterized by wart-like skin lesions that progress to thick scabs. The disease may occur at any age of the bird, at any time.
Mortality is usually not significant unless respiratory involvement is severe.
Vaccination of broilers is not usually required unless the mosquito population is high or infections have occurred previously.

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