Aminogrow WS
Aminogrow WS is a performance deficiency, stress (transport, feed or climatic changes, vaccination, etc.) or during high production periods (laying, growth) or convalescence.
This product is a balanced and concentrated formulation of vitamins, amino acids and trace-elements powder.
Vitamins are important for animals, they prevent eye problems, boost immunity, strengthen the bones, improve blood circulation. It can correct the deficiency of vitamins and oligo-elements thus improving health, production, and reproduction.
We deliver nationwide.
Aminogrow WS: Indication
Livestock animals
Route of Administration
Through oral route in drinking water or feed.
Conditions for using Aminogrow WS
For oral administration via drinking water.
Calves, goats and sheep: 1 g per 40 kg bodyweight for 3 – 5 days.
Cattle: 1 g per 80 kg bodyweight for 3 – 5 days.
Poultry and swine: 1 kg per 4000 litres of drinking water for 3 – 5 days.
Notice to farmers!
Livestock farmers handling antibiotics must be cautious about the drugs and commit to the judicious management, use, and administration of antimicrobials.
In addition to this, farmers should promote routine health programs that prevent disease. This will save the farmers the stress and money involved in purchasing antibiotics.
The farm management systems, biosecurity, vaccination programs, nutrition, and hygiene should be strengthened.
You should make a selection of antibiotics after proper consultation at a diagnostic laboratory or a veterinarian.
The withdrawal periods of each antimicrobial drug should be strictly followed.
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