Guard Force Powder Herbicide
Guard force powder is a selective and systemic post-emergence herbicide for the control of most annual and some perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds in maize crops.
Active Ingredient in Guard Force Herbicide
Nicosulfuron 75% WDG
Mode of action:
Nicosulfuron is rapidly absorbed into the weed leaves and is translocated through the xylem and phloem towards the meristematic zone. In this zone, Nicosulfuron inhibits acetolactate synthase (ALS), a key enzyme for branched‑chain amino acids synthesis, which results in the cessation of cell division and plant growth.
Guard Force is a selective systemic pre-emergence herbicide.
Container and/or fields must be weed-free before applying preemergence herbicides. Thus it is recommended that the herbicide is applied soon after potting or planting.
Many weeds germinate within days of receiving optimal environmental conditions. Thus, after you’ve planted your fields, and in the process brought weed seed to the soil surface, many weeds can germinate within several days.
Application Rate
1.5 litres per hectare and 50ml per knapsack sprayer.
Controlled Weeds
Digitaria sanguinalis, Setaria viridis, Eleusine indica, Avena fatua, Ceperus microiria, Galinsoga ciliata, Stellaria media, Polygonum lapathifolium, Chenopodium album, Sida spinosa, Abutilon, heophrasti
Highest levels of long-term weed control.
Greater consistency in a wider range of weather conditions.
Less packaging, handling, and waste than other herbicide formulations.
Symptoms develop more quickly allowing cultivation intervals to be reduced.
Not to be sprayed in windy conditions (above 15km/hr).
Do not allow spray mist to drift onto desirable vegetation.
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