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Gumboro Vaccine (Small Dose Vial | 100 | 200) + Transport Flask

Sku: gmbr-1

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Gumboro Vaccine (Small Dose Vial | 100 | 200) + Transport Flask

Sku: gmbr-1



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Gumboro vaccine
Gumboro vaccine is a prophylactic regimen containing the intermediate strain of infectious bursal disease (IBD) virus. This vaccine is presented in freeze-dried form packed in vials and is generally well-tolerated by poultry birds.

By well-tolerated, we mean the vaccine will not damage the bursa, will not impair the immune response, and will not cause significant vaccinal side effects.
This vaccine protects against infectious bursal disease, a disease that causes morbidity and mortality in poultry birds.
This product is the small-dose vial variety and can be 100- or 200-dose.
Store this vaccine in a refrigerator or cold chain at 2⁰C up to  8⁰C.

Gumboro vaccine: Reconstitution

Store the diluent in the refrigerator overnight to chill before use.
Reconstitute by drawing a small quantity of diluent using a sterile syringe and then transferring this diluent into the freeze-dried vaccine vial.
Allow the pellet to dissolve completely with diluent, gently shake the vaccine vial, and then transfer it to the diluent bottle.
Rinse the vaccine vial twice with the diluent a similar manner.
Reconstituted vaccine should be stored in ice and used completely within one hour.
Ensure to follow strict aseptic techniques during reconstitution.

Administration of Gumboro vaccine

This method should be used for primary vaccination. Use reconstituted vaccine immediately.
Hold the chick with one eye turned up. Take the vaccine mixture using a sterile syringe.
Using blunt needle of 15 gauges or calibrated dropper, instil one drop into the eye per chick.
Ensure that the vaccine drop is completely absorbed in the eye.
Some people administer the vaccine with this method using the nasal opening. This is also an acceptable practice.


For drinking water method, before giving the vaccine, withhold the birds from drinking water for at least two hours. This ensures that the birds are thirsty and will eagerly consume the vaccine-containing water.
Do not use a disinfectant in the drinking water for a period of 48 hours prior to and 24 hours after vaccination. If a chlorine pump is used, switch it off for the same period of time.
The drinkers should be thoroughly cleaned before vaccination.
Prepare the required volume of water that will be consumed by the chicken in 2 hours. This volume may however change according to the weather and environmental conditions.

Age of birds
Litres of water to be used

5000 doses
2000 doses
1000 doses
500 doses
200 doses
100 doses

14-18 days
30-40 litres
15-20 litres
8-10 litres
4-5 litres
2-3 litres
1 liter

21-28 days
50-60 litres
25-30 litres
10-12 litres
5-6 litres
3-4 litres
2 litres

35-40 days
80-90 litres
40-45 litres
15-20 litres
8-10 litres
5-6 litres
3 litres

Mix 2.5 gm of skimmed milk powder per litre of water as an aid in preserving the virus activity and neutralize the chlorine.
Always mix the vaccine with clean, cool, non-chlorinated water by opening the vial under the water and let stand for 10 minutes.

Precautions to take

This vaccine is not recommended for those birds which are clinically sick or under conditions of severe stress. Vaccinate only healthy birds
Do not rehydrate vaccine until ready for use
Use entire contents of the vial when first opened
Burn all used vials and unused contents
Do not vaccinate within 21 days before slaughter
Keep vaccine in an ice bath during the entire vaccination period
Reconstituted vaccine should be used immediately
Do not use chemical disinfectants for sterilization
For veterinary use only



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Gumboro Vaccine (Small Dose Vial | 100 | 200) + Transport Flask 1,788.00
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