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F1 Dwarf Hybrid Pawpaw Seedling

Sku: F1-dW-hy-paw-se

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F1 Dwarf Hybrid Pawpaw Seedling

Sku: F1-dW-hy-paw-se

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The F1 Dwarf hybrid pawpaw seedling grows at a height less than 10 feet at maturity. F1 Dwarf Hybrid Pawpaw Seedling (or filial 1 hybrid) is the first filial generation of offspring of distinctly different parental types. The advantage of the F1 hybrid is that they retain many desirable traits.
Features of F1 Dwarf Hybrid Pawpaw Seedling

This variety is typically early, vigorous, productive, and tolerant to the papaya ringspot virus.
The F1 Dwarf Hybrid Pawpaw seedlings begin to bear fruit at 60-80 cm height and have over 30 fruits per plant in each fruit-setting season.
Fruits are short oblong on female plants and rather long-shaped on bisexual plants, weighing about 1.5-2 kg.
The transplantation of the F1 dwarf hybrid pawpaw seedlings should be at a distance of 2m x 2m spacing intervals both row and column.
One can start applying manure after one week of transplanting. From the 5th to the 6th month, it usually starts fruiting.


It lowers cholesterol.
Dwarf hybrid pawpaws are rich in fibre, vitamin C and antioxidants that prevent cholesterol build up in your arteries.
It helps with weight loss.
It boosts immunity. The immune system acts as a shield against various infections that can make one fall sick.
The dwarf hybrid pawpaw is very good for diabetics. Despite being sweet, papayas are low in sugar content as well as glycemic index. This property makes papayas excellent fruits for diabetics.
It is good for the eyes. Hybrid dwarf pawpaws are rich in Vitamin A major nutrients which keep the mucus membranes in the eyes healthy, preventing them from damage.
Protects Against Arthritis.
It helps improve digestion.
Helps Ease Menstrual Pain.
This hybrid pawpaw helps to promote hair growth.
The dwarf hybrid pawpaw helps to prevent cancer.



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F1 Dwarf Hybrid Pawpaw Seedling
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