Oil Palm Seedlings
Oil palm seedlings require an evenly distributed annual rainfall of 2000 mm without a defined dry season. Best oil palm yields are obtained in places where a maximum average temperature of 29-33 degrees and a minimum average temperature of 22-24 degrees are available.
The crop requires 1800-2000 sunlight hours annually, more than 300 cal/cm2/per day, constant sunlight of at least 5 hours per day for better oil palm yield.
Moist, deep and well-drained medium-textured soils rich in humus content are considered ideal for the propagation of these crops.
Gravelly and sandy soils, particularly the coastal sands are not ideal for oil palm cultivation. Heavy clay soils with poor drainage properties may pose problems of aeration during rainy seasons.
Product features
Earlier harvest (22 – 24months), compared to 36 – 48 months of SIRM standard seedling.
The first-year harvest can be up to 7 to 8 tons FFB per hectare.
The lifespan is 25 years.
This variety is resistant to diseases like genoderma and basal stem rot virus.
Higher oil-to-bunch ratio, more than 25% bigger seed, thinner shell, and smaller kernel.
Longer tree lifecycle, 30 years of fruit-bearing, therefore the income period is longer. Although fertilizer application is advised, it can thrive well without fertilizers.
More female flowers, the ratio is 2 times higher than the normal species.
Shorter tree, easy to reach, subsequently, the harvesting cost is reduced.
Tree diameter and circumference is bigger, supports more branch and fruits, reduction of gravity effect allows easy transfer of nutrients from the soil to fruit.
A wider gap between the leaf stems results in increase photosynthesis for more robust growth.
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