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List of Universities in Nigeria

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Abia State UniversityAbiaABSUUturu
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa UniversityBauchiATBUBauchi
Achievers UniversityOndoACOwo
Adamawa State UniversityAdamawaADSUMubi
Adekunle Ajasin UniversityOndoAAUAAkungba-Akoko
Adeleke UniversityOsunAUEEde
Afe Babalola UniversityEkitiABUADAdo-Ekiti
Ahmadu Bello UniversityKadunaABUZaria
Ajayi Crowther UniversityOyoACUOyo
Akwa Ibom State University (formerly Akwa Ibom State University of Science and Technology)Akwa IbomAKSUUyo
Al-Hikmah UniversityKwaraAHUIlorin
Ambrose Alli UniversityEdoAAUEkpoma
American University of NigeriaAdamawaAUNYola
Bauchi State UniversityBauchiBASUGGadau
Babcock UniversityOgunBUIlishan-Remo
Bakassi Technical UniversityAkwa IbomBTUUyo
Bayero UniversityKanoBUKKano
Baze UniversityFederal Capital TerritoryAbuja
Bells University of TechnologyOgunBUTOta
Benson Idahosa UniversityEdoBIUBenin City
Benue State UniversityBenueBSUMakurdi
Bowen UniversityOsunBUIwo
Bukar Abba Ibrahim UniversityYobeYSUDamaturu
Caleb UniversityLagosCUlIkorodu
Caritas UniversityEnuguCUEnugu
CETEP City UniversityLagosCULagos
Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University (formerly Anambra State University)AnambraANSUUli
City University of TechnologyKadunaCUTKaduna
Covenant UniversityOgunCUOta
Crawford UniversityOgunCUFaith City, Igbesa
Crawford UniversityEkitiCUOye-Ekiti Campus
Crescent UniversityOgunCUAbeokuta
University of Cross River State (formerly Cross River University of Technology)Cross RiverUNICROSSEkpo-Abasi, Calabar
Delta State University, AbrakaDeltaDELSUAbraka
Delta State University of Science and Technology, OzoroDeltaDSPZOzoro
Dennis Osadebe University, AsabaDeltaDOUAsaba
Ebonyi State UniversityEbonyiEBSUAbakaliki
ECWA Bingham UniversityNassarawaBUNew Karu
Edo State UniversityEdoEDSUUzairue
Elizade UniversityOndoEUIlara-Mokin
Enugu State University of Science and Technology (formerly Anambra State University of Technology)EnuguESUTEnugu
Evangel University, AkaezeEbonyiEUAAkaeze
Federal University of Agriculture, AbeokutaOgunFUNAABAbeokuta
Federal University Oye-EkitiEkitiFUOYEOye-Ekiti
Federal University, Dutsin-MaKatsinaFUDMKatsina
Federal University, GusauZamfaraFUGUSGusau
Federal University of Technology AkureOndoFUTAAkura
Federal University Ndufe Alike, IkwoEbonyiFUNAIIkwo
Federal University of Technology OwerriImoFUTOOwerri
Fountain University, OsogboOsunFUOOsogbo
Godfrey Okoye UniversityEnuguGOUEnugu
Gregory UniversityAbiaGUUUturu
Igbinedion UniversityEdoIUOOkada
International Open InstituteLagosIOIIkorodu
Joseph Ayo Babalola UniversityOsunJABUIkeji-Arakeji
Kings UniversityOsun StateKUOdeomu
Koladaisi UniversityOyoKUIbadan, Oyo
Lagos State UniversityLagosLASUOjo
Landmark UniversityKwaraLUOmu-Aran
Mewar International University[5]NasarawaMIU NigeriaMasaka
Michael and Cecilia Ibru UniversityDeltaMCIUAgbara-Otor, Ughelli North
Maryam Abacha American University of NigeriaKanoMAAUNKano
Nasarawa State UniversityNassarawaNSUKKeffi
National Open University of NigeriaLagosNOUNVictoria Island
Nile University of NigeriaFederal Capital TerritoryNUNAbuja
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, AwkaAnambraNAUAwka
Obafemi Awolowo UniversityOsunOAUIle Ife
Oduduwa UniversityOsunOUIIpetumodu, Ile-Ife
Plateau State UniversityPlateauPLASUBokkos
Redeemer’s University NigeriaOsunRUNEde
Skyline University NigeriaKanoSUNKano
Taraba State UniversityTarabaTSUJalingo
Umaru Musa Yar’adua University KatsinaKatsinaUMYUKatsina
University of BeninEdoUNIBENBenin City
University of CalabarCross RiverUNICALCalabar
University of Delta, AgborDeltaUNIDELAgbor
University of IbadanOyoUIIbadan
University of JosPlateauUJJos
University of LagosLagosUNILAGLagos
University of Nigeria, NsukkaEnuguUNNNsukka
University of Port HarcourtRiversUNIPORTPort Harcourt
Veritas University (Catholic University of Nigeria) AbujaFederal Capital TerritoryVUNABwari
Westland University, IwoOsunWUIIwo
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List of Polytechnics in Nigeria

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Abuja FCTDorben PolytechnicPolytechnicAbuja
Abuja FCTCiti PolytechnicPolytechnicAbuja
Abia StateAbia State PolytechnicPolytechnicAba
Adamawa StateAdamawa State PolytechnicPolytechnicYola
Adamawa StateFederal Polytechnic, MubiPolytechnicMubi
Akwa Ibom StateAkwa Ibom State PolytechnicPolytechnicIkot Ekpene
Akwa Ibom StateAkwa Ibom State College of EducationCollegeAfaha Nsit
Akwa Ibom StateFoundation College of TechnologyInnovation polytechnicIkot Ekpene
Akwa Ibom StateHeritage PolytechnicPolytechnicEket
Akwa Ibom StateMaritime Academy of NigeriaCollegeOron
Akwa Ibom StateSouthern Atlantic PolytechnicPolytechnicUyo
Anambra StateEkwenugo Okeke PolytechnicPolytechnicUli
Anambra StateAnambra State polytechnic, MgbakwupolytechnicMgbakwu
Anambra StateFederal Polytechnic, OkoPolytechnicOko
Anambra StateThe UA College of Science and Technology, IsuofiaInnovation PolytechnicAnambra
Bauchi StateAbubakar Tafari Ali PolytechnicPolytechnicBauchi
Bauchi StateFederal Polytechnic, BauchiPolytechnicBauchi
Bayelsa StateBayelsa State College of Arts and SciencePolytechnic
Bayelsa StateFederal Polytechnic Ekowe Bayelsa StatePolytechnicEkowe
Benue StateBenue State PolytechnicPolytechnicugbokolo
Benue StateAkperan Orshi College of AgricultureAgriculturalYandew
Borno StateMohamet Lawan College of AgricultureAgriculturalBorno
Borno StateRamat PolytechnicPolytechnicMaiduguri
Cross River StateIbrahim Babangida College of AgricultureAgriculturalObubra
Cross River StateDivine Polytechnic, MkpaniPolytechnicMkpani
Delta StateDelta State Polytechnic (three institutions)PolytechnicOtefe-Oghara/Ogwashi-Ukwu
Delta StatePetroleum Training InstituteMiscellaneousEffurun
Ebonyi StateAkanu Ibiam Federal PolytechnicPolytechnicUnwana
Ebonyi StateFederal College of Agriculture, IshiaguAgriculturalIshiagu
Ebonyi StateSavannah Institute of TechnologyCollegeIshieke
Edo StateEdo State Polytechnic UsenPolytechnicUsen
Edo StateAuchi PolytechnicPolytechnicAuchi
Edo StateKings PolytechnicPolytechnicUbiaja
Edo StateShaka PolytechnicPolytechnicBenin city
Ekiti StateFederal Polytechnic, Ado-EkitiPolytechnicAdo Ekiti
Enugu StateEnugu State PolytechnicPolytechnicIwollo
Enugu StateFederal School of Dental Technology & TherapyCollegeEnugu
Enugu StateInstitute of Management Technology, EnuguPolytechnicEnugu
Enugu StateOur Saviour Institute of Science and TechnologyPolytechnicEnugu
Imo StateFederal College of Land Resources Technology, OwerriMiscellaneousOwerri
Imo StateFederal Polytechnic, NekedePolytechnicNekede
Abia StateTemple Gate PolytechnicPolytechnicAba
Imo StateImo State PolytechnicPolytechnicUmuagwo
Imo StateImo State Technological Skills Acquisition CenterPolytechnicRegister for Post UTME Screening Application Form
Jigawa StateHussaini Adamu Federal PolytechnicPolytechnicKazaure
Jigawa StateHussani Adamu PolytechnicPolytechnicJigawa
Kaduna StateCollege of Agriculture and Animal ScienceAgriculturalKaduna
Kaduna StateNigerian Institute of Leather and Science TechnologyMiscellaneousZaria
Kaduna StateFederal College of Forestry MechanisationMiscellaneousAfaka
Kaduna StateKaduna PolytechnicPolytechnicKaduna
Kaduna StateNigerian College of Aviation TechnologyMiscellaneousZaria
Kaduna Statefederal school of statistics ManchokMiscellaneousManchokIbadanEnugu
Kaduna StateNuhu Bamalli PolytechnicPolytechnicZaria
Kaduna StateSamaru College of AgricultureAgriculturalZaria
Kano StateAudu Bako School of AgricultureAgriculturalDambatta
Kano StateKano State PolytechnicPolytechnicKano
Kano StateMohammed Abdullahi Wase PolytechnicPolytechnickano
Katsina StateHassan Usman Katsina PolytechnicPolytechnicKatsina
Kebbi StateCollege of Agriculture, ZuruAgriculturalZuru
Kebbi StateFederal Polytechnic, Birnin-KebbiPolytechnicBirnin Kebbi
Kebbi StateKebbi State PolytechnicPolytechnicKebbi
Kogi StateCollege of Agriculture, KabbaAgriculturalKabba
Kogi StateFederal Polytechnic, IdahPolytechnicIdah
Kogi StateKogi State PolytechnicPolytechnicLokoja
Kwara StateFederal Polytechnic, OffaPolytechnicOffa
Kwara StateKwara State PolytechnicPolytechnicKwara
Lagos StateCoastal PolytechnicPolytechnicApapa
Lagos StateFederal College of Fisheries and Marine TechnologyMiscellaneousLagos
Lagos StateGrace PolytechnicPolytechnicLagos
Lagos StateLagos City PolytechnicPolytechnicLagos
Lagos StateLagos State University of Science and TechnologyPolytechnicLagos
Lagos StateRonik PolytechnicPolytechnicLagos
Lagos StateSchool of Agriculture, IkoroduAgriculturalIkorodu
Lagos StateWavecrest College of HospitalityMonotechnicLagos
Lagos StateWolex PolytechnicPolytechnicLagos
Lagos StateYaba College of TechnologyPolytechnicLagos
Nasarawa StateCollege of Agriculture, LafiaAgriculturalLafia
Nasarawa StateMaurid Institute of Management & Technology, NasarawaPolytechnicNasarawa
Nasarawa StateFederal Polytechnic NasarawaPolytechnicNasarawa
Nasarawa StateNasarawa State PolytechnicPolytechnicLafia
Niger StateFederal College of Fresh Water Fisheries TechnologyCollegeNew Bussa
Niger StateFederal College of Wildlife ManagementMiscellaneousNew Bussa
Niger StateFederal Polytechnic, BidaPolytechnicBida
Niger StateNiger State College of AgricultureAgriculturalMokwa
Niger StateNiger State PolytechnicPolytechnicZungeru
Ogun StateAbraham Adesanya PolytechnicPolytechnicIjebu-Igbo
Ogun StateAllover Central PolytechnicPolytechnicSango-Ota
Ogun StateFederal Polytechnic, IlaroPolytechnicIlaro
Ogun StateGateway Polytechnic SaapadePolytechnicSaapade
Ogun StateMoshood Abiola PolytechnicPolytechnicAbeokuta
Ogun StateOgun State Institute of technologyyPolytechnicIgbesa
Ogun StateOgun State College of Health TechnologyPolytechnicIlese-Ijebu
Ondo StateRufus Giwa PolytechnicPolytechnicOwo
Osun StateFederal Polytechnic, EdePolytechnicEde
Osun StateOsun State College of TechnologyPolytechnicEsa-Oke
Osun StateOsun State PolytechnicPolytechnicIree
Osun StateIgbajo Polytechnic, IgbajoPolytechnicIgbajo
Osun StateIwo City Polytechnic, IwoPolytechnicIwo
Osun StateWolex Polytechnic, IwoPolytechnicIwo
Osun StatePolytechnic Ile-IfePolytechnicIle-Ife
Osun StateInterlink PolytechnicPolytechnicIjebu-Jesa
Osun StateSouthern Nigeria Institute of Innovative Technology (SNIITPOLY)PolytechnicIfewara
Osun StateVillanova Polytechnic Imesi Ile (Formerly- The Polytechnic, Imesi Ile)PolytechnicImesi Ile
Osun StateOffer Centre Institute of AgricultureAgriculturalIwo
Oyo StateFederal College of Animal Health & Production TechnologyPolytechnicIbadan
Oyo StateFederal College of Forestry, IbadanCollegeIbadan
Oyo StateNovelty Polytechnic, KishiPolytechnicKishi
Oyo StateThe Polytechnic, IbadanPolytechnicIbadan
Oyo StateThe Kings Poly, Shaki, OyoPolytechnicShaki, Oyo
Oyo StateTower Polytechnic, IbadanPolytechnicIbadan
Oyo StateThe Oke-Ogun Polytechnic, SakiPolytechnicSaki
Plateau StateFederal College of Animal Health and Production Technology, VomAgriculturalVom
Plateau StateFederal College of Education, PankshinCollegePankshin
Plateau StateFederal College of Forestry. JosCollegeJos
Plateau StateFederal College of Land Resources Technology, KuruCollegeJos
Plateau StatePlateau State College of AgricultureAgriculturalPlateau
Plateau StatePlateau State PolytechnicPolytechnicBarkin-Ladi
Rivers StateEastern PolytechnicPolytechnicPort Harcourt
Rivers StatePort Harcourt Polytechnic (Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic)PolytechnicPort Harcourt
Rivers StateRivers State Polytechnic ( Kenule Beeson Saro-Wiwa Polytechnic )PolytechnicBori
Taraba StateCollege of Agriculture, JalingoAgriculturalJalingo
Yobe StateFederal Polytechnic DamaturuPolytechnicDamaturu
Yobe StateMai Idris Alooma PolytechnicPolytechnicGeidam
Zamfara StateAbdul Gusau PolytechnicPolytechnic
Zamfara StateFederal Polytechnic, NamodaPolytechnicKaura-Namoda
Zamfara StateAbdul Gusau PolytechnicPolytechnic
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List of Colleges in Nigeria

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Federal colleges

This is a list of approved federal colleges of education in Nigeria.

Federal College of Education (Special), Oyo[4]OyoOyo State
Adeyemi College of EducationOndoOndo State
Federal College of Education, Iwo[1]IwoOsun State
Federal College of Education (Technical), Asaba[5]AsabaDelta State
Federal College of Education, AbeokutaOsiele-Abeokuta[6]Ogun State
Federal College of Education, Kano[7][8]Kano CityKano State
Federal College of Education, Eha-Amufu[9][10]Eha-AmufuEnugu State
Federal College of Education, Okene[11]OkeneKogi State
Federal College of Education (Technical), Gombe[12]GombeGombe State
Federal College of Education (Technical), Omoku[13][14]OmokuRivers State
Federal College of Education, Kontagora[15][16]KontagoraNiger State
Federal College of Education, Zaria[17]ZariaKaduna State
Federal College of Education, Pankshin[18]PankishinPlateau State
Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education[19]OwerriImo State
Federal College of Education, Yola[20]YolaAdamawa State
Federal College of Education (Technical), Potiskum[21]PotiskumYobe State
Federal College of Education (Technical), Gusau[22]GusauZamfara State
Federal College of Education (Technical), Akoka[23][24]AkokaLagos State
Federal College of Education, Katsina[25]KatsinaKatsina State
Federal College of Education (Technical), Bichi[26]BichiKano State
Federal College of Education, Obudu.[27][28]ObuduCross River State
Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze[29]UmunzeAnambra State
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Private colleges

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This is a list of approved private colleges of education in Nigeria.

Piaget College of Education.[30]AbeokutaOgun State
St. Augustine College of Education[31]AkokaLagos State
Our Saviour Institute of Science and TechnologyEnuguEnugu State
Delar College of Education[32]IbadanOyo State
Yewa Central College of Education[33]AyetoroOgun State
Institute of Ecumenical Education, (Thinkers Corner), Enugu[34]EnuguEnugu State
Ansar-Ud-Deen College of EducationIsolo[35][36]Lagos State
African Thinkers Community of Inquiry College of Education.[37]EnuguEnugu State
City College of Education, Mararaba[38]Mararaba GurkuNasarawa State
Muftau Olanihun College of Education[39]IbadanOyo State
Havard Wilson College of Education[40]AbaAbia State
College of Education Offa.[41]OffaKwara State
Nigerian Army School of Education (NASE), Ilorin[42]IlorinKwara State
Nana Aishat Memorial College of Education.[43]IlorinKwara State

State colleges

Source: Wikipedia

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