Depending on the analysis or list of analysis, your analysis will be completed within 5 days – 2 weeks after receipt of payment. This could be reduced to 3 weeks during certain periods as July – September.
Allschoolabs do not conduct solely all the analysis listed here, some we carry out in alliance with credible research facilities.
Sample Results
Unlike other analytical laboratories, we have uploaded results samples on this page (Analysis). Please DO NOT proceed on to application until you are satisfied with the result samples for your test.
Number of Samples
Due to the expenses incurred to conduct some chemical analysis, we cancel requests on less than samples. However, you may submit your application if you agree to wait for a longer period of time than specified in Number 1.
Payment Term
We accept 100% or 75% payment before analysis commences and 25% balance before the result is forwarded. Please note that we do not send part results on part payment. To pay for your analysis, Click here
Results will be forwarded to the email(s) specified in your application. Results not collected after 21 days will be lost with no refund.
There is NO REFUND for the analysis already conducted. If you feel otherwise, please fill out the form below
Explanation of your result is the exclusive duty of your lab technologist or project supervisor. Allschoolabs does not modify nor explain data obtained from our analysis. We can however, if a request is made here.
Interpretation/Explanation of Results
We would assign your request for interpretation to an analyst with the best understanding of your work. Please submit a request here.
All procedures for our analysis are detailed here. Procedures include equipment photo, model no and principle of operation. Some of the media are password protected. Your password will be attached to your results in the email.
Sample Return
Currently, We DO NOT return samples. We advise that you forward samples that you can afford to lose. This is due to the logistics of returning the samples from our lab to our colelction center, then to the pickup/delivery center. For exceptions (which may or may not be considered), kindly fill out the form below after the analysis is completed.
Sample Thrashing
Received samples or remnants of analyzed samples will be thrashed 21 days from analysis unless instructed to retain for another 21 days.
Referral ID
Allschoolabs always want to appreciate those who share with their research community the great services we deliver. Please help us by including in your application their unique Referral ID. To join our rep program and earn a 20% passive income on everything laboratory, analysis and more, please see this page
Results Format
We have uploaded major result samples on our sample result page. Please note that your result will come in the same features and file format. If you’d like another format, you may use free conversion tools as smallpdf
We provide full support for analysis from the date of analysis counting to 21 days afterwards. We do not provide support for analysis that was conducted and completed 21 days from date of analysis.
Samples that are not sent to our collection centers but to bus parks will be picked up by dispatchers, the client bearing the cost as billed by the dispatch rider/company. Request a Dispatcher to pick up your samples to our collection center – 09017705105
Please proceed Here to see all of our frequently asked questions and answers as regards our analytical processes.
We will not take questions already cleared on this page.
The moment we receive your samples at any of our collection facilities, we will contact you via email or WhatsApp. We will also reach out to you IF we need clarity regarding your work. If we don’t, you have no issues. This means that your work is in progress and you could expect results within a very few days. To check the status of your analysis, go here
Thank you for choosing Allschoolabs all the time.