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Dear Sir, Ma

Thank you for your interest in Allschoolabs. Straight to the point, at this time, our consideration on partnership is one at which you can use our outlets and online coverage for your organization’s expansion. 

What this means is that you can make us your local brand distributor, stock your products in our outlets, and use our resources on-ground and online to promote and distribute your products across Nigeria and the world at a considerable stocking fee.

Why you should consider Us

It will interest you to know that currently, we are the foremost commerce-centered scientific brand in Africa with over 300,000 products on our website covering every endeavour of science, engineering, and medicine. Also, we hold the highest satisfactory customer positive reviews with delivery across 200+ counteries.

With a vision of 500,000 quality products selling across 6 continents, we are posed to becoming world’s biggest distributor of pharmaceuticals , laboratory and industrial supplies within the next 5 years.

If you do consider this kind of partnership with Allschoolabs, and would like to discuss its endless possibilities, kindly schedule a live meeting here or paste the link below into your browser:

Best Regards,

Sir Madison.

Director, Allschoolabs Inc.

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