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Clever, reliable and efficient: the K?rcher Air Con pressure washer for air conditioning systems. With Vario Power Jet Short 360? including a swivel-mounted nozzle head and pressure adjustment of 20?100 bar.Sku: 1731424402-112
Air Con Pressure Washer K 2.420
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Amor Tile Cleaner AB is used for cleaning internal or external surfaces that have been grouted using cementitious grouts. It contains surfactants that give it a cleaning ability.Sku: 1731424398-111
Amor Tile Cleaner AB
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AQUASEAL 100?helps to repel water absorption and reduce the?formation of surface efflorescence.?AQUASEAL?100 produces water tight concrete through?advanced pore blocking technology.Sku: 1731424396-110
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AQUASEAL 200 is a hydrophobic admixture for concrete, mortar, and plaster. Its advanced formulation acts as a powerful anti-crack and water-resistant solution, reducing water absorption and efflorescence formation.Sku: 1731424391-109
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AQUASEAL-300TDS is a liquid admixture that?s your ultimate solution for waterproofing. It reduces water transmission in concrete, mortar, and screed. Ideal for various applications such as walls, foundations, pools, and more. Keep your projects watertight with AQUASEAL-300TDS.Sku: 1731424389-108
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ARMORCEL 300? is a non-chloride PCE based concrete set accelerator, ready-to-use liquid admixture. It accelerates initial setting time one to three times faster than normal mortar and concrete without adversely a?ecting other properties of concrete and mortar.Sku: 1731424386-107
Armocel 300
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Armor Air Entraining admixture provides concrete with maximum protection by establishing air bubbles that are ultra-stable, small and closely spaced.Sku: 1731424384-106
Armor Air Entrainment
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ARMORDECO-100?is a high performing, specially formulated pre-bagged plaster mortar. It can be used on inner and outer walls. It is easy to use, strong and binds better to its substrate.Sku: 1731424380-105
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ARMOR JOINT PRO 100?is a high performance, anti- ef?orescence, quick setting and water repellent tile grout with excellent performance properties. It is dense and has high abrasion resistance.Sku: 1731424377-104
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ARMOR JOINT PRO 200?is a high- performance cement-based pre-mixed non-shrink grout, used for ?lling tile joints in wet and dry areas.Sku: 1731424374-103
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ARMOR Retarder 100 is an SNF based water reducing and set time retarding admixture for concrete. ARMOR Retarder 100 does not contain calcium chloride and other corroding materials.Sku: 1731424370-102
Armor Retarder 100
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ARMOR SUPER LATEX 100?is a next-generation Styrene acrylic polymer latex admixture that is designed as an integral adhesive for cement, bond coats, mortar, and concrete to improve bond strength, compressive strength, chemical resistance, and waterproofing properties.Sku: 1731424367-101
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Armor Tile Cleaner WB is Fast acting general purpose cleaner specially designed for regular cleaning of dirt and stains on tile surfaces, designed for daily maintenance of tiles.Sku: 1731424363-100
Armor Tile Cleaner WB
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ARMORCAST 200 admixture improves cement particle wetting and increases strength development.Sku: 1731424359-99
Armorcast 200
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Armorcrete 2000 is a three components, thermal shock-resistant, urethane slurry (broadcast optional), non-slip flooring system.Sku: 1731424356-98
Armorcrete 2000
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ARMORCURE 200 is a versatile silicate-based coating designed to enhance both new and existing concrete structures.Sku: 1731424352-97