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New Hope (Grower Mash – 322 | Grower Pellets – 322T | 25kg Bag) The New Hope of growers mash is given to poultry birds from the 9th week through to the point the first egg drops (around the 15th week). Grower Mash is balanced with vitamin and mineral premix to help chicks achieve their optimum potential without any growth hormone. Feed intake per bird throughout this period is 3kg and the bodyweight attainable is 1.26kg. Promotes fast skeletal growth by improving the balance of calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients. It improves the weight criteria and evenness of pullets at the formation stage. Promotes the development of muscle while taking into account the initial development of the reproductive system.Sku: nhg-ms
New Hope (Grower Mash – 322 | Grower Pellets – 322T | 25kg Bag)
₦10,413.25 -
Without compromising feed quality, we offer our industry-renowned New Hope finisher feeds. Produced in compliance with prevailing quality and industry standards and well recommended for growing birds to improve the nutritive balance. They are well recommended for broiler finishers (from the fifth week of age until slaughter) to enhance their nutritive balance. New Hope feeds are widely appreciated for their longer shelf life, high nutritional content, and excellent quality. They come in commercial and professional rations. Place an order depending on your choice!Sku: nhp-fd
New Hope Broiler Finisher Feed (Pelleted Feed | Professional Line – 512 | Commercial Line – 512T) – 25kg
₦12,517.75 -
Do you seek to purchase quality feed for your flock? Our New Hope Broiler Starter Feeds are aimed at achieving a higher feed utilization rate, improved growth, and development in flocks. They are products of successful research into poultry nutrition and mixed using a variety of quality raw materials. New Hope feeds are widely appreciated for their longer shelf life, high nutritional content and excellent quality. They are presented in pelleted forms and packaged in 25kg bags. They come in commercial and professional rations. Place an order depending on your choice!Sku: nhp-sssv
New Hope Broiler Starter Feed (Pelleted Feed | Professional Line – 511 | Commercial Line – 511T) – 25kg
₦13,863.25 -
We offer New Hope super-starter feed (for broilers) which is appropriately formulated to ensure early broiler growth and improved health. This results in high, reproducible and profitable livestock production results. Our super-starters are special nutritional package fed to broiler chickens for the first three to five days post-hatch. They contain different sources of protein, fats and carbohydrates as well as specific vitamins, minerals, and amino acid inclusions. This is presented in the crumbled form and packaged in 25kg bags. They come in commercial and professional rations. Place an order depending on your choice!Sku: nh-sstf
New Hope Broiler Super Starter Feed (Crumble | Commercial Ration – 510T | Professional Ration – 510) – 25kg
₦13,955.25 -
New HopeLayer Mash is nutritionally complete poultry feed in mashed form. The layer mash is aimed at achieving an optimum flock uniformity and improved egg production in laying flock. Our layer mash is recommended from 16 weeks to the end of the laying cycle. Feed intake per bird throughout this period is 42.3kg and the bodyweight attainable is 2kg. They are packed in 25kg bags. Delivery is nationwide.Sku: nh-lm-fe-1
New Hope Layer Mash (Professional Layer Mash – 324 | Commercial Layer Mash – 324H | Commercial Layer Pellets – 324T | 25kg)
₦11,160.75 -
New Hope Pre-Layer Mash (Brand 323 | 25kg) The Pre-Lay Mash (New Hope Feeds) is aimed at achieving an improved calcium metabolism, feed intake as well as flock uniformity. It is well recommended from 16 weeks of age to the onset of lay. It improves the skeletal strength and bone marrow quality of the pre-lay birds. Using this product, the estimated feed intake per bird is 1.65kg and the obtainable bodyweight is 1.5kg. They are presented in mash form and packed in 25kg bags. Delivery is nationwide.Sku: NHM1-2
New Hope Pre-Layer Mash (Brand 323 | 25kg)