Arm Sling Pouch Adjustable (Ordinary) (SHIPPED FROM ABROAD)
Comfy smart Wrist, Elbow and Arm Support are widely demanded by gymnasts and sport persons. these splints giving better compression & breathability to give a better comfort to the patient. FEATURES
To provide optimum support to injured, painful arm by reducing neck
and shoulder pressure
Special coon fabric offers comfortable and so feeling to injured
arm portion
Easily operative buckle helps in easy application and closer of pouch
arm sling
Thumb loop inside for desired hand rest
Adjustable special foam pad in shoulder takes load of complete arm
Very useful in countries with hot and humid weather
It is useful in fractures and dislocations, sprains and strains, to
provide support and immobilize post operative arm* Available in small(S), medium(M), large(L) and extra large(XL) size
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