The Giant hybrid cocoa pod (Theobroma cacao) is the raw product used in making varieties of chocolate and cocoa in its many forms. Notably, this type of cocoa pod is known to be rich in nutrients and health benefits. The hybrid cacao beans are usually found within the giant pods which grow directly out of the trunk of the Cacao tree.
Features of the Giant Hybrid Cocoa Pod
The giant hybrid pod, is oblong, between 4 and 12 inches long
The colour ranges from yellow to orange to purple.
Pods will contain 20-60 oval seeds (about 2.5 cm –1 inch), which sit within a juicy, sweet-sour pulp.
When ripe, the seeds rattle within the fruit when shaken.
It takes 7-14 pods to produce one pound of beans.
The flavour of the beans depends on variety as well as growing conditions such as soil temperature, sunshine, and rainfall.
Some Nutritive and functional purposes
The giant hybrid cocoa pod contains antioxidants that can help reduce cell damage in your body, which helps prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, and cancer.
The fibre in hybrid cacao beans promotes healthy digestion.
It helps with heart health. Per serving, the giant hybrid cacao pod contains more heart-healthy flavonoids than red wine. These flavonoids have been linked to improved heart health.
It helps to lower the risk of heart attack and stroke.
It contains certain compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties, which may help to lessen the risks of getting arthritis and depression.
The giant hybrid cocoa pod is a very good source of food as you can suck on them to eat and enjoy the delicious, citrusy pulp.
The bean gotten from the hybrid cocoa pod can be made into quality chocolate, cocoa powder and many more.
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