Platinum F1
Platinum F1 is one of the highest yielding hybrid tomato seeds in Nigeria and other tropical areas. The product is manufactured by East-West Seeds, one of the most popular seed companies in the world.
Platinum F1 tomato variety has strong vigour and can resist a lot of diseases prevalent in tropical lowland and places with high humidity.
Fruits are oval and firm. Excellent performance in tropical lowland and rainy season due to good fruit cracking tolerance.
It can also perform well in the dry season.
Platinum F1: Product characteristics
Platinum F1 tomato variety has a strong vigour and can withstand a lot of stress during the growing season. It is a very rugged tomato variety.
It has a fast-growing habit. The first harvest from this variety can be as early as 60-70 days.
The tomato fruit from this variety is medium in size and well accepted in the Nigerian market especially during the lean season.
Platinum F1 tomato variety can set good fruits in very hot conditions. The heat set characteristic of this variety is good.
This variety is tolerant and resistant to bacterial wilt, a disease that is prevalent in Nigeria especially the southern part of the country.
It is resistant to tomato yellow leaf curl viral disease and other viral diseases prevalent in the dry season in Nigeria.
This variety can grow well in humid conditions, thereby suitable for cultivation in southern Nigeria where farmers dread to grow tomatoes.
This tomato variety has oval shape fruits.
Platinum F1 tomato seed needs a lot of water and nutrients. We strongly advise that a drip irrigation system is put in place before you start cultivating this variety in order for you to have a good yield.
With drip irrigation installed, you can use water efficiently and apply fertilizers, nematicides, and other pesticides efficiently.
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