Semi-automatic Bell Drinker for Poultry Chicks – Chinese Type
Bell Drinkers
The Bell Drinker helps ensure consistent delivery of clean water to floor reared flock. They are made with high-quality and durable plastic materials. The unique design and bright red colors help poultry farmers achieve a constant water level without wetting the floor and attracts the birds to the water source respectively.
Floor drinkers (for chickens) can be easily emptied by accident if not correctly positioned. They can also have dirt and debris raked in, making it difficult for your chickens to get a drink. Thus, these drinkers can be hanged and the height adjusted. This enables the chickens to have constant access to fresh, clean water.
Features of the bell drinker
- The drinker is lightweight and durable, thus can resist high pressure.
- Economical for small and medium scale farmers.
- Requires minimal maintenance, thus easy to clean.
- They are ideal for broilers, breeders, layers, pullets, ducks and other similar birds.
- It can be connected to an overhead water supply system.
- It can also be used by young chicks and pullets because they can be adjusted so young birds can reach into them to drink.
- It is important to install this drinker according to the required height (drinker lip should be a bit higher than the back of the birds) as this eases drinking with the consequent reduction in water wastage and litter soiling.
- Keep the water level as low as possible at all times.
- Clean drinkers as often as possible.
- Flush overhead lines in periods of high temperature to provide fresh and cool water for the birds
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