Phyto Garda Sweet Almond Oil – Internal / External Use With measuring cap Cold pressed. Food use and topical use. Gluten free. INDICATIONS Sweet almond oil obtained through the extraction process with cold pressing useful for promoting the physiological intestinal transit.
For food use: sweet almond oil promotes physiological intestinal transit , carrying out a “delicate” action.
For topical use : sweet almond oil is suitable for all skin types, fights skin aging and is used for the treatment of dry and reddened skin such as sensitive children. The emollient action of sweet almond oil reduces itching in case of eczema, accelerates the healing of dermatoses and is a very effective remedy against stretch marks: especially during pregnancy or when following a slimming regimen. INGREDIANTS Sweet almond (Prunus amygdalus Batsch) oil. METHOD OF USE For food use: 1 to 3 teaspoons per day.
For topical use: apply on the affected parts with a light massage several times a day, as needed. FORMAT 250 ml bottle with measuring cap.
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