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Why do I always get Inspiration in the wash room?

First of all I think it’s weird that I like to do laundry. I enjoy the feel of water and the scent of detergent (specifically – Sunlight detergent). I’m not a physical dude but I could stand hours doing washing. I enjoy washing dishes, clothes and scrubbing the floors. I’m most fascinated to white clothes. I like to soak them in warm water, apply bleach and scrub on them. I don’t understand this but I love and enjoy it every time. 🙂

Why do I always get Inspiration in the wash room
Why do I always get Inspiration in the wash room

As weird as that already sounds, there’s more. I find myself getting loaded with ideas and insights whenever I’m in the wash room – most particularly, under the shower. Most times, I have to jump out of the bathroom to quickly note down my thoughts. I get answers to long time bugging questions and clear inspiration of what to do or say pertaining to a situation. Sometimes, just stepping into the bathroom to wash my hands is what I’ve got to do to get the break idea of the season.

I thought I was alone in this until I was at an event and the speaker, a lecturer in one of Nigeria’s best institution was sharing similar experience. I just stared at him wowed.

Do you have similar experiences? Don’t you think bathrooms are open heavens?

I could learn from your thoughts/experiences in the comment section.

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I am Dave the_Rocker and I always make sense
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