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Federal Poly Bauchi Admission List 2024/2025 (3rd Batch)

This is to Notify the public that the Federal Polytechnic Bauchi (FPTB) management has announced the first, second, and third lists of candidates awarded provisional admission into its National Diploma ND programmes for the academic year 2024/2025.

How to Check the Federal Polytechnic Bauchi Admission List.

The list of admitted candidates has been published on the school’s website. Candidates should follow the steps outlined below to check
Check Admission Status on the JAMB Portal.

To check your admission status on the JAMB CAPS Portal and JAMB Admission Checking Portal, kindly follow the steps below:

  1. Go to
  2. Log in to your Jamb profile using your username and password.
  3. Scroll down and select the ‘Check Admission Status’ link.
  4. Click on Admission Status.
  5. Click on “Check Admission Status” or
  6. Click on “Access my CAPS.”
  7. In the top right corner of your browser, click the three-dotted lines (⋮) and select ‘Desktop site‘. (Click on the image for a better view.)
  8. Click on Admission Status.
  9. Admission status will be displayed as either in progress, NOT ADMITTED, or CONGRATULATIONS.
  10. Case 1: If you see CONGRATULATIONS, accept/reject your admission and await further instructions.
  11. Case 2: If you see an admission in progress, please be patient as the status will change in a few days/weeks. Simply check back after some time.
  12. Case 3: If not admitted, please do not give up! You might still get admitted.
    Simply be hopeful!

Check Admission Status on School Portal.

Candidates can use the procedure outlined below to check their admission status on the Federal Poly Bauchi Admission Portal.

  1. Visit the Federal Polytechnic Bauchi Admission Status Portal at
  2. Please specify the academic year: Select 2024/2025 from the available options.
  3. Enter the applicant credentials: Enter your Applicant Name or Application Number in the appropriate fields.
  4. Select a Department: Select the department that corresponds to your course of study.
  5. Level of Study: Select ND as your academic level.
  6. Finally, click on ‘Display List’ to reveal your admission status at FPTB.

Please note

  • That the offer is subject to confirmation of your eligibility as a student based on the qualities mentioned in your application form. As a result, you must bring your Certificate(s)/Statement of Results in their original form.
  • Candidates with O level scores from 2011 or earlier must present authentic certificates for registration.
    If it is discovered after registration that you do not meet the required qualifications or provided incorrect information on your application form, you must withdraw from the Polytechnic.
  • Before you can register, you must be medically fit as determined by a competent Medical Practitioner acceptable to the Polytechnic. The attached Medical Examination form should be completed by a competent Medical Practitioner and submitted to you prior to enrolment.
  • You will be needed to register with TSHIP at the medical centre.
  • You must report for screening and registration immediately.
  • Dress appropriately; no loose, unusual, seductive, or provocative attire is permitted.
  • Obtain department clearance before making any payment, as fees cannot be refunded after receipts are issued.
  • Fees must be paid in full to the approved banks.

This admission offer is tentative and may be withdrawn at any time. If you accept this offer under the criteria outlined above, please continue to the department for clearance.

This admission offer is tentative and may be withdrawn at any time. If you accept this offer under the criteria stated above, please proceed to the department for clearance.


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