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Brachiaria Grass Seed 1kg


SKU: 1704634266-10
SKU 1704634266-10 Category Tag

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Brachiaria Grass Seed is a vigorous-growing, warm season pasture or forage grass adapted to the tropical and subtropical regions around the world. Brachiaria is especially attractive for beef and milk production operations.
Product Information

Application or Use:??Pasture, Cattle Forage, Hay Production, Livestock Forage
Germination Time:?7 ??14 days, under optimal conditions
Growing Locations:?Warm Season &?Transition Zone
Height:?Up to 9 feet, under optimal conditions
Sunlight Requirements:?6+ hours, full sun for best results
Advantages:?Vigorous growth and superior nutritive value compared to Bahia?grass.

Product Features

More meat and milk for its nutritional quality
Higher animal load
Highly palatable
Adaptation to acidic soils
Resistant to diseases and pests (Spittlebugs)
Increased drought tolerance

Great forage production capacity of excellent quality, with the best protein concentration and high digestibility in pastures of the Brachiaria genus. Vigorous regrowth to cut or grazing.
Management of high animal loads, with which the production of meat and milk per hectare increases significantly. More uniform forage production throughout the year.
Good adaptation to adverse conditions, as well as to different types of climate and soil of the humid, sub humid and dry tropics, which allows greater forage availability in critical times (dry and northern winds).
It brings the rusticity and tolerance to soils with a high concentration of aluminum inherited from Brachiaria decumbens, which is one of the ancestors of Mulato II. Being conditioned with high technology such as the pelletization process and the exclusive Speedygerm method, the seed of this mixture of perennial, stable and synergistic hybrid grasses, reaches optimum levels of quality (purity and germination). Resistance to pests and diseases (spittlebugs).


Categories: Commercial Seeds, Seeds and Seedlings (Plant Production)
Tags: Abuja, Brachiaria Grass Seed, Brachiaria Grass Seed for sale, Lagos, Mulato II


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