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Habanero Seeds (50 Seeds Per Pack)


SKU: 1703002796-655
SKU 1703002796-655 Category Tag

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Habanero Seeds (50 Seeds Per Pack)


Habenero is the most sweltering open-pollinated pepper accessible – multiple times more smoking than the Jalapeno and the habanero seeds produce peppers that are around 1″ x 2″ and green in variety, going to orange or red at development.
These are principally utilized for dry pepper powder, an oil remove, or in hot sauces.

The peppers require 95 days to mature and pack around 200,000 Scoville Heat Units.

There are 50 seeds in a seed pack of the item.

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Some data

Latin Name: Capsicum chinense

Type: Open Pollinated, Heirloom, Hot Pepper, Warm Season

Establishing Method: From Transplant

Daylight: Full Sun

Level: 36 Inches

Variety: Red, Green
The most effective method to plant habanero seeds

Begin habenero hot pepper seeds inside in peat pots around two months before the last anticipated spring ice.

Sow them 1/4″ profound and keep the dirt at 80-85 degrees F until germination; give daylight or a develop light for 12-16 hours per day.

At the point when the open air temperature arrives at 60-65 degrees F during the day and something like 50 degrees F around evening time, relocate the seedlings 12-16″ separated.

Presenting the plants to the climate for a few hours daily prior to relocating may assist with forestalling shock.

Note that the peppers likewise fill well in compartments or raised beds.


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