Every successful student follows a set of straightforward yet rigorous guidelines. These guidelines are referred to as SECRETS by certain students. After reading books, articles, interviews, films, and snippets, I concluded that following these guidelines is the most effective and reliable approach to getting straight As in universities, polytechnics, teaching colleges, and other higher education settings.
1. Modify Your Perspective
This is high on my list because, in their haste to make it to first class, kids typically do everything incorrectly. It is important to note that you shouldn’t read solely for an A or a first-class grade on the test. Let’s face it: the purpose of attending university is to learn and become knowledgeable!
Keeping this in mind, you make an effort to comprehend each course’s concept rather than just memorizing material from your textbook. Read as though you were in the real world having to defend your route. You will be compelled to see parallel As in every course when you read for information. It’s reality, not magic!
2. Previous Research
By combining Prior with Study, which means “before/earlier,” Prior becomes “study before.”
Indeed! Before every lecture, you must study. The lecture can’t be a day away. Just remember to be ready for every lecture. This will improve comprehension of the subject and provide a framework for deciphering challenging queries you come across while reading.
Don’t take this lightly! I did, and you know what happened? “I purposefully disregarded this point throughout the first semester of my first year at the University of Nigeria. “I’ll understand the course in a lecture hall, let me enjoy my sleep, junior,” I exclaimed. I didn’t get good scores, as you might anticipate. The following semester, I adopted a new mindset and started studying before classes, and it seemed to work! I received great grades.
3. Attend lectures regularly
Despite how straightforward this may seem, some students don’t seem to get the full impact of it. Attendance at lectures is a requirement at the University of Nigeria and certain other institutions. Some educational institutions will admit students to the exam room based on the attendance list. This implies that you won’t write the test if your name isn’t on the list of attendees as a whole!
In addition to attending lectures for the reasons described above, you will have the chance to ask and answer difficult questions in class, which will, above all, give you credibility with your professor.
You’ve decided to attend lectures every time, so I must suggest that you take the first three seats in the class. This greatly aids in making the point!
I hope I am still communicating
4. Self Assurance
Self-confidence and self-assurance go hand in hand. Have faith that you may surpass previous records and rank among the top students. Sincerely speaking, taking classes at the university is not that simple! Certain professors are so intimidating that they may even warn the students in the class that “you just can’t make an ‘A’ in this course.”
The unsettling aspect arises when some students, who still think they can pass the course with an “A,” see their score of 3/30 on an exam or quiz. Should you find yourself in this group of students, you must tell yourself that you are capable of succeeding! You must have confidence in yourself! You need to have faith in your ability to reach that 70%. A notable example is Oyindamola Omotuyi, a UNILAG graduate with a 5.0CGPA.
Just remember not to give up if you don’t pass a test or quiz.
5. Never Take Advantage of Nature
Don’t mistreat the environment. What do I mean? Probably what you should ask is this. It’s okay, I’ll respond to it straight away! ..A brief tale… When we were first in high school, I had a classmate who read for ten hours every day, from seven in the evening to five in the morning. He usually doesn’t eat until 12.30 pm and sleeps for barely two hours after reading. He informed me that he was fasting and praying when I contacted him. When I would say something like, “My guy eats very well since you’re reading very well,” he would reply, “Bros, don’t worry about me, My God can do all things, He is a God of impossibility,” trying to talk him into helping himself. Are you aware of what I did? I never brought it up to him again.
He became unwell near the conclusion of the semester and was taken to our main hospital. He has been studying for these tests, which he hardly wrote. When the results were announced, he performed poorly, as I had predicted! Not that His theology about God is false; rather, the key argument is that HE WAS BETRAYING NATURE. Some would say, give God what is rightfully His, and give Ceaser what is Ceaser’s.
Reduce the amount of time you spend reading if you have church activities, and get some restful sleep. Get 5–6 hours of sleep every day! Consume healthful foods and get some exercise! I neglected to finish my story. When I saw my friend in the following session, I empathized with him and advised him not to deceive nature. For him, it was ideal.
6. Study in an Appropriate Setting
While some students enjoy reading in a cool setting, others read best when music is playing in the background. Whichever situation you’re in, make the most of a conducive study space. Since your friend reads there every day, you shouldn’t visit.
7. Make Intellectual Friends
Students who consistently say, “I influence people, not people influence me,” are something I have encountered. I realize this would seem to be the case, but remember that “the good is easily influenced,” so don’t let this fool you. All you need to do is find a person who shares your vision. You guys accomplish the same vision when you have the same vision. Make intelligent, brilliant, and intelligent people your pals.
8. How Much Reading Will Take:
Many people may tell you to read for ten or six hours, but it just comes down to personal preference. Some people can grasp an idea after reading for two hours, while others require more time. Making sure you read before lectures should be the key takeaway. Review the lecture notes you took. Don’t wait to do it!
9. Act appropriately at the appropriate moment!
Yes, indeed! Play kind with this guy! It can be incredibly alluring, and he usually urges you to give in. Don’t wait until the last minute to complete your projects, mini-projects, term papers, seminars, assignments, etc.
10. Think and Dream Big.
Aim to be the top student; don’t settle for merely being an average student. Aim for straight As in all of your assignments; don’t simply read for test purposes; read for comprehension and KNOWLEDGE! Above all, don’t limit yourself to passing grades of B or C.
That’s it! We hope you find this useful! I hope you succeed in your academic endeavors.
Source: AllSchool