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Alvan Ikoku Uni School Fees Payment: New Deadline Announced for 2023/2024

Alvan Ikoku University of Education School Fees Payment Deadline

Alvan Ikoku University of Education, Owerri students must remain informed about any updates about the payment of their school fees for the 2023/2024 academic year. A new deadline for paying current school fees has been established by the university administration in response to talks and an appeal from the Student Union Government (SUG).

The Alvan Ikoku University of Education’s new deadline for paying school fees

It has been decided that the new deadline for paying school fees will be on January 24, 2024. Students who haven’t finished paying their fees yet have another chance thanks to this extension.

Penalties for Late Payment

It’s crucial to remember that there will be a penalty for any payments made after January 24th. Make sure you pay your fees before the new date to avoid these extra charges.

Students’ Action Steps

  • Check Your Fee Status: To find out if you have any unpaid fees, check the status of your current payments.
  • Plan Your Payment: If you haven’t paid yet, make plans to do so by January 24 at the latest.
  • Prevent Penalties: It is in your best interest to make the deadline because missing payments will incur additional fees.


To maintain your academic progress at Alvan Ikoku University of Education, timely payment of your school fees is crucial. It also helps you avoid needless financial hassles from late payment penalties. Make sure you pay your fees on time by making use of the extended deadline.

Remember that the revised deadline is January 24, 2024. Make sure your academic path is safe by paying your fees on time!

Source: Allschoolabs, Myschoolgist

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