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Notice from FUDutsinma about Work Hour Reduction During Ramadan

As the Islamic year 1445AH approaches and Ramadan begins, I am instructed to communicate the Vice-Chancellor’s blessing for the following reduction in working hours:

  • Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Fridays: 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Note that this adjustment only affects the Fasting period. Regular business hours are resumed right after the fasting period.

Staff members assigned to special tasks are unaffected by the work schedule reduction, nevertheless.

Please take note of the information above and comply with it.

We greet a happy and fulfilling Ramadan to all of our Muslim brothers and sisters on behalf of Vice-Chancellor Prof. Armaya’u Hamisu Bichi.

I sincerely appreciate your reading. We would be grateful if you could forward this to your family and friends.

Credit: Allschoolabs, Allschool

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