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Nineth Matriculation Ceremony, Federal University, Birnin, Kebbi, 2023–2024

For the academic year 2023–2024, the Federal University, Birnin Kebbi (FUBK) cordially invites the public and the campus community to its ninth matriculation ceremony. This momentous occasion commemorates the formal admission of new students to the institution and welcomes them to the FUBK academic community.

Ceremony Specifics

  • Date: Wednesday, 15th May 2024
  • Time: 9:00 AM
  • Location: Frontage of Senate Building, Main Campus

We sincerely invite you to participate in this historic occasion on behalf of the Senate, Management, and the whole FUBK personnel. An important occasion that marks the start of the academic journey for all newly admitted students is the matriculation ceremony.

The Value of Getting a Degree

Matriculation ceremonies are a rite of passage for students entering higher education, not just a set of procedures. It denotes the students’ formal acceptance into the university and binds them to its policies and procedures. This ceremony also acts as a reminder of the moral and intellectual expectations placed on students while they are students at FUBK.

Guidelines for First-Time Learners

It is mandatory for all new students to attend the event. You will be formally admitted into the university community on this momentous occasion. Make sure you are dressed correctly for the event and arrive early. This is not only the start of your academic journey, but it’s also a chance for you to get to know teachers and other students.

Come Celebrate with Us!

The matriculation ceremony commemorates fresh starts. It is open for families, friends, and the general public to assist in assisting and motivating the new pupils. For the students, their families, and the university personnel who have worked so hard to make this happen, it is a day of pride and happiness.

In Summary

The Federal University of Birnin Kebbi’s 9th Matriculation Ceremony is a momentous occasion that officially ushers in new students’ academic careers. It’s an occasion to celebrate and feel proud of what you’ve accomplished. As we greet the newest members of the FUBK community, be sure to join us on this special day.

Credit: Allschoolabs, MySchoolGist

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