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Philosophy And Its THREE Main Branches.

Philosophy: The Three Main Fields of Study. philoedu(m) at 1:31 p.m.
The definition of education philosophy, along with its four main branches.

(A) Logic is the attempt to put into words the fundamental concepts of reasonable thought or reasoning.
(b) The study of knowledge itself is known as epistemology.
(c) The study of the nature of things is known as metaphysics.

  1. A teacher’s statement that outlines guiding principles for broad topics about education, such as how students learn, is termed an educational philosophy. To best realize potential, education plays a crucial role in the classroom, school community, and larger society.
  2. What is education in philosophy? The philosophical study of education and its issues becomes a part of philosophy education, with education, its practices, and philosophy as its main subjects. The philosophy of education can refer to either the philosophy of education as a discipline or as a process.
  3. Describe the philosophy of education. The philosophy of education is a statement or a series of statements, that aims to define and make clear the values, beliefs, and comprehension that a person or group of people have regarding education. The philosophy of education has a significant role in establishing and guiding the fundamental goal, purpose, and focus of a school. Thus, many believe that an individual’s philosophy of education stems from their unique experiences as students when they enter a classroom. Every kid in the classroom receives an excellent education from their teacher, who provides them with the tools they need to succeed in life.
  4. What is the distinction between the philosophy of education and the philosophy of education? Since educational philosophy offers a perspective on how to give instructions, it also constitutes a teaching philosophy It has to do with communication, discipline, class management, assessments, and instruction. Philosophy of education, on the other hand, is a concept concerning the function, aim, and purpose of education generally.


  1. PHILOSOPHY AND EDUCATION: HOW ARE THEY RELATED? Despite certain areas of overlap, proponents assert a close relationship between the two disciplines. Philosophy and education are often likened to two sides of the same coin. The statement that education is philosophy’s dynamic side is also valid. Philosophy is theoretical and speculative, but education is practical.
  2. – HOW DOES EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY WORK? The philosophy of education can encompass the following topics: critical evaluation of goals; ideas and education; analysis of human nature; educational values; theory of knowledge; and the connection between education and societal progress. The following are the three primary roles of educational philosophy: normative, critical, and speculative.
  3. WHAT IS THE notion OF EDUCATION?: Education encompasses the process of facilitating learning and acquiring information, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Pedagogy refers to the teaching style, and instructional strategies include discussion teaching, training, storytelling, and guided research.
    8-WHAT IS THE ROLE OF PHILOSOPHY? : The traditional and significant role of philosophy is to encourage more in-depth contemplation of the ideas, procedures, and problems that are essential to other fields of study. Epistemology, metaphysics, and meta-ethics, philosophical subfields, often tackle the most fundamental inquiries regarding the nature of reality, value, and knowledge.
  4. REASONS TO VALUE EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY.- The educational philosophy is significant because it helps us focus on the reasons behind the decisions we make when we design and execute lessons, as well as because it makes us aware of educational philosophy. Teaching philosophy is the explanation of an educator’s objectives and convictions.

CREDIT; Allschoolabs, Nairaland

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