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Burns: Second - Third and Fourth Degrees - Home Treatment

Burns: Second – Third and Fourth Degrees – Home Treatment

Burns: Second – Third and Fourth Degrees – Home Treatment

Hi, this is the concluding blog (part 2) on Burns. If you haven’t read part one, please do. It contains the definition and home remedies for all kinds of burns.

READ HERE: First Degree Burns – Home Treatment and First AID

Second Degree Burns

Second degree burns are categorized into two namely

  1. Surface second degree.
  2. Deep second degree.

Both burns will hurt and form blisters. Burns: Second – Third and Fourth Degrees – Home Treatment

Causes of Second Degree Burns

  • Immersion scalds,
  • Flame burns,
  • Chemical Burns
  • High voltage electrical burns

Treatment from second degree burns

  1. Immediately get away from what has caused the burn to a safe place.
  2. Immerse the burn in cool tap water or apply cool wet compress. Do this for about 10 minutes or until the pain subsides. Do not scrub or touch the area
  3. Apply petroleum jelly to the area and cover the burn with a non-sticky sterile bandage. Do not apply ointments, oils, toothpaste, butter, egg or other home remedies as these may cause an infection.
  4. If blisters do come off or you have exposed areas of skin, those areas need to have antibiotics applied. Also keep the area covered and do not let it dry out. If the wound dries out, it wont heal well.
  5. You may take pain medication for the pain. Ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help relieve the pain and reduce inflammation (swelling). Take only as prescribed.

Second degree burns will take typically three – six weeks to heal. Burns: Second – Third and Fourth Degrees – Home Treatment

Third Degree Burns

Third degree burns are called full thickness burns that go all the way into all the layers of the skin and burn all the blood supply and nerve endings to the skin.

This burn does not hurt so much (which is not good), instead the burnt skin has a white leathery appearance.

Skin grafting is always necessary to resurface the effected area although this is rarely done in Nigeria, and comes with serious risks and potential complications.

Causes of Third Degree Burns

  • Immersion scalds,
  • Flame burns,
  • Chemical Burns
  • High voltage electrical burns

Treatment For Third Degree Burn

  1. Remove anything from the person that still might be burning
  2. Get the victim to the hospital immediately.

Third degree burns will require skin grafts. Depending on what graft the doctor thinks is necessary, donor skin is usually from your own thigh, buttocks, back, forearms, upper arms and even abdominal wall.

This kind of injury may take weeks to years to heal with consistent care.

Fourth Degree Burns

Fourth degree burns cause thickness destruction of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with the involvement of the underlying fascia, muscles, bones, and other structures.

Like third degree burns, these patients will require skin grafting.

Victims of these kind of burns must be given immediate and intensive medical care. Pending the doctor arrival, you may apply general treatment for burns as described in the blog on first degree burns.

End Note

Most deaths from burns are not caused by the fatal damage suffered to the body but from asphyxiation or carbon monoxide poisoning.

Many patients die before ever getting to the hospital.

The smoke inhalation from the burning can cause both lung damage and other toxic poisonings which may have life-threatening consequences.

If you do find yourself trapped around wildfires or structural fires, ensure that you rid your body off a piece of clothing to wrap around your ear, nose and mouth as you struggle to find your way out.

David Oluwatosin
I am David and I think I always make sense

References and Credits:

Doctor Jordan

I am Dave the_Rocker and I always make sense
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