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Edo State Poly ND/HND Part-time Form

Edo State Poly ND/HND Part-time Form 2023/2024 [UPDATED]

The Edo State Polytechnic (formerly known as Edo State Institute of Technology and Management, Usen) is inviting applications from eligible individuals for admission into its National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) Part-Time Programs for the 2024/2025 academic session.

Available courses for the ND Part-Time program at Edo State Polytechnic
  • School of Applied Sciences
    • Computer Science
    • Science Laboratory Technology
    • Pharmaceutical Technology
    • Food Science Technology
  • Statistics
    • School of Environmental Studies
    • Survey Geo-informatics
    • Estate Management
    • Urban and Regional Planning
  • School of Business Studies
    • Accountancy
    • Business Administration
    • Banking and Finance
    • Office Technology Management
    • Marketing
    • Public Administration
Procedure for Edo State Polytechnic Part-Time Form Application
  • Potential applicants are recommended to possess a functional email account prior to commencing the application procedure.
  • Access the website at Please choose the option “Apply for Admission.”
  • Navigate to the “Applicants” section and choose the option labeled “ADMISSION EXERCISE – PART TIME 2024/2025”.
  • To begin, click on the “Register” button located at the upper left corner of the page.
  • Please include your first name, middle name, and surname, as well as your email address and phone number.
  • Upon completion, your identification and password will be promptly sent to your designated email address. Please click on the hyperlink provided in your email to proceed.
  • Access the website again. Click on the ‘Login’ button located in the upper right corner of the home page.
  • Please provide your username and password to log in.
  • To begin the application procedure, kindly click on ‘Edit Application record’ and provide all mandatory details.
  • Please provide a recent and high-quality 5″ x 5″ colored passport picture.
  • Please be aware that the image you post will serve as the only legitimate identification for all accepted applicants throughout their time at Edo Polytechnic, USEN.
  • To make a payment for the Application, locate the “Add online payment ticket” option at the bottom of the page. Then, choose “Pay with Interswitch” from the top left corner of the page. Follow the provided instructions to pay the application cost of N 10,000:00 using a valid ATM-Enabled Card from any Commercial Bank in Nigeria.
  • Click on the “edit application” button to examine and verify your information before to submitting your application online. (No more corrections will be allowed after the deadline).
  • Contact this number, 08036984601, for any inquiries or support you may need.
If you encounter any challenges while filling out the application, kindly contact the provided helpline numbers for assistance from 9am to 4pm. The phone number is +234 08033953064.



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