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First Quadruple Amputee Pilot

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Nigerian Man Became First Quadruple Amputee Pilot After 10 Rejections

Zachary Anglin, a resolute Nigerian individual, has achieved a historic milestone by becoming the first commercial pilot with quadruple amputation, despite encountering many rejections. Zachary, who was born with a congenital condition that left him without hands and feet, grew up in Liberia. Despite facing significant challenges, he managed to overcome them and achieve his lifetime aspiration.

Zachary adeptly adjusted to his environment despite his handicap, since he grew up with 18 siblings. Recalling his early years, he said, “According to my mother, I only became aware of my lack of hands and feet when I reached the age of eight, as I was determined to keep pace with my siblings in all our activities.”

Zachary had aspirations of becoming a pilot, fueled by his mother’s affinity for travel and his father’s fervor for aviation. When he voiced this aspiration in his final year of high school, several others dissuaded him, proposing that he seek a less arduous profession. Nevertheless, Zachary persevered.

Following his graduation from high school, he submitted applications to five aviation schools and was granted admission to one located in Oklahoma. In 2018, he relocated to that place to begin his training, encountering substantial obstacles during the journey.



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