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how to stop bullying

How to stop Bullying

Meaning and types of bullying, Anti-bullying  tips in schools, outdoors and everywhere

Meaning and types of bullying, Anti-bullying tips in schools, outdoors and everywhere

Bullying is the act of treating (someone perceived as vulnerable) in a cruel, insulting, threatening, or aggressive fashion.

3 main ways that bullying happens.

  1. Physical Bullying

Physical bullying is when the bully touches another person to hurt them like if someone were to push another student, kick them with their feet, or hit them with their hands.

  1. Verbal Bullying

Verbal bullying is when an individual uses verbal language (e.g., insults, teasing, etc) to gain power over his or her peers.
Examples of verbal bullying can be writing things on the internet or on paper. It can also be calling someone means things like “you’re fat”, “I hate you” and other things like that.

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  1. Social Bullying

This happens when the bully or bullies spread rumours telling other kids not to be friends or talk to the person being bullied. it is also present when someone is not included in events and social gatherings.

It could be non-stop and it may happen in school your neighbourhood or on the internet when someone is being bullied. it can cause mental health issues, loss of appetite, loss of sleep, and bad grades in school and it is one of the reasons that people drop out of school.

Meaning and types of bullying, Anti-bullying  tips in schools, outdoors and everywhere

Five ways to stop bullying

  1. Don’t ignore somebody who’s a bully to you or bullying others. Bullying hurts so don’t walk away thinking it is harmless or doesn’t hurt anybody, when you see bullying do something about it.
  1. You should be an example of someone that everyone knows stands up against bullying. Don’t be afraid to let others know that you are a person that is against bullying. Each day, be kind and treat others how you’ll want to be treated.
  1. When you see bullying or even are being bullied, let the person or persons who are doing the bullying know that their actions are not okay. A lot of bullies want to be seen and have an audience for their bad behaviour. Remember that when confronting the bully, you don’t use harmful words or get physical. Stay calm and be respectful when standing up to them.
  1. if the above methods don’t work, please go to a teacher, counsellor or a principal at your school and get them involved in these situations.
  1. if you need additional help, let a parent, guardian or trusted adult know. This works well, not only at school but also out in the community or at a community centre.

In conclusion: You should always remind yourself that bullying is not okay and you should always stand up for yourselves and stomp out bullying.

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Reference: Anti-bullying tips for kids

Meaning and types of bullying, Anti-bullying tips in schools, outdoors and everywhere

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