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9 Best Books Every Student Should Read

9 interesting Best Books to read

These books go across different parts of a student’s life. From academics to careers and a lot more; these are our top 9 interesting and best books to read.

1. Deep Work by Cal Newport.

This book tackles the number one problem that students complain about which is focus and procrastinating.

“I can’t get into the flow of my work”, this is something a lot of students struggle with. This book points out the fact that when we get these cravings for novelty, to check our social media, or just distract ourselves from our work and we act on them, we’re actually ingraining a habit and we’re weakening that focus muscle in our heads.

By contrast, by avoiding those distractions and by sticking with our work we actually become more able to focus.

This book helps student take work more seriously and help increase their productivity.

2. A Mind for Numbers by Barbara Oakley

This is an amazing book about general learning skills.

This book has a lot to offer such as the process of memory formation, and how bits become chunks, which are essentially loosely grouped bundles of information that are connected through meaning.

The book also talks about how to efficiently form those chunks. It talks about the focused mode of thinking and the diffused mode of thinking.

In this book, you will learn that there are two complementary forms of thinking.

Focused mode is what happens when you sit down and you focus on a problem with intensity.

You’re mainly using your prefrontal cortex when you do this.

The diffused mode of thinking is just as important but it uses a lot more of your brain.

It’s kind of what happens when you background-process a problem by taking a break or sleeping on it.

A good example is if you ever try to think of a word and it’s on the tip of your tongue but you just can’t get it, and then you take a break, or you go for a walk and it comes to you.

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So, these two modes of thinking help students solve problems in a complementary way. This book highlights the importance of taking breaks so a student can use that diffused mode just as much as the focused mode.

3. Getting from College to Career by Lindsey Pollak

This book is a great introduction to a lot of the career skills that a student is going to need to be able to get a job after they graduate from School.

This book addresses the question “what do I do with my life?” This book really gets into the details of how to get a job and how to stand out amongst the competition.

The book also talks about interviewing. How to build a resume, how to build your online web presence, and all the skills you need to learn to be able to get that job that you want.

From academics to careers and a lot more; here are our Top 9 Best books to read. Our Top 9 Interesting and good books to improve yourself.

4. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

The book tells the reason that habits form so much of our behavior.

Charles Duhigg taught on the need to break away from hurting habits, and intelligently build strong ones so as not to be wasting your limited willpower on the things you wanna get done.

5. Spark, the Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Dr. John Ratey

This book is amazing in a lot of ways.

One, it is a surprisingly detailed introduction to how your brain works on a biological level.

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It also gives a scientific explanation of how exercise affects the way that you learn and can improve your overall brain health.

This could be the powerful motivator you need to get into the habit of exercising more often.

It can be tempting to put off exercising in lieu of giving yourself more time to get your work done.

But just like Cal Newport talks about in Deep Work, the intensity of your focus times the time you put in, equals your productivity.

The book also explains that when you don’t exercise, you’re robbing your brain’s ability to focus intensely and work efficiently.

6. The Productivity Project by Chris Bailey

This book gives amazing insight to the concept of productivity.

Now, when most people think of productivity they think of time management, but in this book the author is very careful to stress that not all hours are created equal and productivity is the product of your time, attention, and energy.

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So to that end, the book goes through a ton of different productivity topics including procrastination.

How to focus on your tasks without getting distracted, how to avoid multitasking, how to batch tasks, plan your day intelligently, and get into things like meditation.

This book also gives a challenge at the End of Every chapter.

7. The Happiness Equation by Neil Pasricha

The book talks about the true meaning of Happiness.

A lot of people aren’t actually very good at knowing what’s going to make us truly happy when we’re planning out our career goals or other life goals.

We might look at what society seems to value or we might trick ourselves in different ways.

But as the book points out, a lot of people who are rich, or in positions of power such as executives of big companies are actually not happy.

This book goes lets us know that milestones don’t actually make us happy.

It explains that happiness actually comes from the fulfillment in the work itself. Not in the external rewards.

And when a person can internalize that and accept it, that person is going to be a lot happier on a day-to-day basis.

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From academics to careers and a lot more; here are our Top 9 Best books to read. Our Top 9 Interesting and good books to improve yourself.

8. Steal the Show by Michael Port

This is a book all about communication.

Now, a lot of this book deals with how to give a great speech. How to prepare for it, How to master your body language, how to get an ovation from the audience at the end.

It also deals with a lot of interpersonal communication. Networking, job interviews, negotiation tactics, and others.

it’s a great all-around communication skills book that you should read.

9. Your Money, The Missing Manual by J.D. Roth

This book is a great introduction to personal finance.

The book teaches how to manage money, how to pay off debt faster, and how to start investing smartly.

In conclusion, even after reading our list of 9 best books to read, we encourage you to indulge in your interest.

Productivity for productivity’s sake is useless so as a student you must do something with all the personal development tips that you’re learning from all these books that are being recommended for you.

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Reference – Thomas Frank

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