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Why Can’t I read for Long and how to fix it?

How to .. long reading light reading stretch reading..

light reading, long reading, reading stretch, reading

A lot of people would like to read more but they get easily tired or bored once they get started on a book. I found out that it isn’t because they’re lazy, it’s because they make very basic mistakes that make it much harder for them to reἀd regularly. If you’re making the same mistakes you’re just shooting yourself in the foot. Here are five simple tips that you can apply to make reading for hours effortless to you.

Why Can’t you read for Long and how to fix it

1. Read what you like

It is absolutely no surprise that you get bored and tired if you’re reἀding stuff that you’re not interested in. It’s useless to pick a book because it makes you look smart or because other people find them interesting rather than figure out what you actually want to reἀd. So find your own niche, find your own interests. Buy those books and you will figure out that it will be much easier for you to reἀd regularly.

2. Remove Distractions

Another way you can reἀd for hours without getting bored or tired is that you remove distractions. We live in times where distractions are not only more addictive than ever but also more accessible than ever. Our phones and social apps such as youtube, Tiktok, Instagram, Netflix, Facebook, etc makes it very hard to focus. The Advisable thing to do is to remove all distractions from the reading environment. You need to make it clear to yourself that during reading time you won’t allow yourself to be distracted, that may sound strict but it is advisable.

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3. Make the Reading Experience Enjoyable

How you make your reading experience enjoyable is up to you but it is advisable that you read in places that you like or find comforting. You can reἀd with a snack or a cup of coffee or anything you enjoy. By doing that you will be able to train your brain into associating reἀding with an enjoyable experience, so try to think about what is enjoyable to you and then try to link that to your reἀding habit.

4. Break your reading down into simple steps.

Break down your reἀding into smaller steps, if you pick up a book with the intent of reἀding for three hours, then it is no wonder that you quickly give up. Quite frankly, there’s almost nothing that we like to do for three hours straight. What you instead have to do is to think in small steps. Start with just a page, then you can take it further to a chapter, and you can continue with that process and in no time you will have finished the book and soon you will be able to reἀd hours non-stop.

5. Train Yourself by reading

You need to train yourself and your mind for longer reἀding. Reading is just like any other habit. It takes time and practice to become good at it.
Think of yourself as out of shape. If you are going to change that, you’d have to train yes, but you’d also have to accept that It takes some time to become better. With that in mind, it is totally fine to start with reading for 10 minutes per session. And in no time your brain will be well trained to reἀd for hours focused and uninterrupted.

In conclusion, long stretch reἀding is not a miracle, It is a long process involving training and discipline but you can get there patiently so.

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I am Dave the_Rocker and I always make sense

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