Why your Brain needs to go on a reading Stretch - Read Now


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Why your Brain needs to go on a reading Stretch

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Why your brain needs to go on a reading stretch, benefits of reading

Why your brain needs to go on a reading stretch, benefits of reading, benefits of reading

Readiṇg is to the mind what exercise is to the body. Good books shape your whole personality, your way of thinking, and your observation power. Scientists say that everything which you see touch, feel and imagine has an impact on your personality. Readiṇg is an immersive experience that brings your brain alive. it creates its own images and ideas as you lose yourself in a book. You can even physically change the structure of your brain through reading.

Benefits of Reading

1. Readiṇg reduces stress levels

Your brain on books is active. It’s growing, changing, and making new connections. It also draws different patterns depending on the type of material you’re reading. According to a study in 2009 by Dr. David Lewis, a neuropsychologist at Minilab international. Readiṇgreduced stress levels by as much as 68 percent which was more than listening to music, having a cup of tea ,playing video games or going for a walk. The researchers noted that participants who engaged in just six minutes of Readiṇgexperienced slower heart rates, and reduced muscle tension. It doesn’t really matter what book you read. By losing yourself in a thoroughly engaging book, you can escape from the worries and stresses of the everyday world, and spend a while exploring the domain of the author’s imagination.

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2. Readiṇg pushes your brain for the better

When you read, your brain is doing a lot more than just decoding words on a page. Reading is more neurobiologically demanding than processing images or speech, it is a neural workout. As you read, disparate parts of your brain such as vision, language, and associative learning work together. When you read, you’re involving lots of functions such as phonemic awareness, visual, and auditory processes, comprehension, fluency, and more. Readiṇg pushes your brain into action, maintains concentration and allows your mind to process the events happening before you.

3. Constant reading makes strong memory

The more you read and engage your brain, the easier it is to keep your memory strong. Readiṇg increases your creativity. The more we read, the better enlightened we become. Gaining knowledge empowers our minds, and broadens its range. Readiṇgbroadens our imagination by stimulating the right side of our brain. It literally opens our minds to new possibilities, and new ideas helping us experience and analyze the world through other lives.

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4. Readiṇg before bedtime increases brain power

According to research, reading before bed will make you more creative and passionate about your projects. It is no coincidence that the majority of executives investors and leaders in any area take the time to read before sleep. It helps them not only relax from the busy day they have had but also train their creativity, and give them new ideas or career approaches. Regular Readiṇgwill not only make you smarter, it will also actually increase your brain power. Just like going for a jog exercises your cardiovascular system, Readiṇgregularly improves memory function by giving your brain a good workout.

5. Reading improves sleep quality

Readiṇg before bed improves your sleep quality. Opening a book before you go to bed could help you overcome insomnia when the mind is engaged in a world constructed by words. Stress disappears, and the body relaxes making the way for sleep. A thoroughly engaging book opens up the imagination and helps you enter an altered state of consciousness. These subtle levels of decompression will help fall into a deeper and higher quality of sleep.

We urge you to read every day. The benefits of reading are many more than the five listed above. Readiṇg to your mind is just as important as exercise is to your body, but you may never find out until you get committed. Start with a good book today!

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Why your brain needs to go on a reading stretch, benefits of reading, benefits of reading

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