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In eight years, a Nigerian completes Two degrees at Harvard.

In just eight years, the gifted Nigerian Chidi Akusobi earned both a medical doctorate (MD) and a doctorate from Harvard University.

Born in Nigeria, Chidi and his parents immigrated to the US when he was two years old. In search of a better future, his parents moved to New York, where they worked several jobs and went to nursing school.

Chidi started his education at Yale University, where he graduated in 2012 with a Bachelor of Science in Biology. He subsequently proceeded to the University of Cambridge, where he received the esteemed Gates Cambridge Scholarship and earned a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Biochemistry.

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In eight years, a Nigerian completes two degrees at Harvard University.Laboratory and Medical equipment supplier in Nigeria. Chemical Analysis and product testing at Allschoolabs scientific

Even though attending underfunded inner-city public schools presented difficulties, Chidi had always wanted to become a doctor. He enrolled in Harvard Medical School’s (HMS) MD-PhD program in order to fulfil his dream.

Harvard’s MD-PhD program combines intensive research training with a demanding medical education to create physician-scientists.

When Chidi looked back on his academic career, he noted the difficulties he encountered but also the happy times and successes that characterised his time at Harvard.

My time as an MD-PhD student at Harvard Medical School has ended after eight years. Over the last four days of festivities, I have a tonne of ideas and insights, happy experiences, and noteworthy victories to share,” he said.

He conveyed his sincere appreciation to his family, friends, and encouraging communities for their steadfast support along the process, despite the many challenges he faced.

“I feel so fortunate and appreciative right now for the experience and my accomplishments. I am grateful for the support I have received throughout the years from my family, close friends, and amazing communities. We succeeded!

Chidi is now prepared to start the next phase of his career as a “double doctor.”


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