Immediately get away from what has caused the burn to a safe place.
Immerse the burn in cool tap water or apply cool wet compress. Do this for about 10 minutes or until the pain subsides. Do not scrub or touch the area
Cover the burn with a non-sticky sterile bandage. Do not apply ointments, oils, toothpaste, butter, egg or other home remedies as these may cause an infection.
If blisters form, let them heal on their own while keeping the area covered. Do not pop the blisters.
You may take pain medication for the pain. Ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help relieve the pain and reduce inflammation (swelling). Take only as prescribed.
Keep the area protected from the sun or any thermal source.
Burns in this class usually heal on their own without treatment from a doctor – typically within a week. However, if the victim is an infant or an elderly person or if you think that the burn is more severe, seek immediate medical care.
End Note: The quicker and the better you respond to a burn accident greatly reduces the magnitude of the injury.