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How To Be Popular Anywhere

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How To Be Popular Anywhere

Everyone wants to be popular and acknowledged. It seems a tough deal but it’s pretty simple. Here is how.

1. Show Up

No matter how socially awkward you are, If you want to make more friends, all you have to do is show up.

Many of us are taught that popularity is a beauty contest or a power struggle, but that’s not how popularity works.

Anyone can be friendly and well-liked. Anyone can build a large group of friends, just like anyone can find happiness in their social sphere. But you can only achieve your social goals by overcoming your fears.

This is the reason why most unpopular people struggle to form new connections. They’re scared of putting in the effort.

If you’re a socially awkward person, for example, you may avoid social gatherings, events, and parties.

How To Be Popular Anywhere

You may feel like you don’t belong, or maybe you’re convinced that no one wants you there.

Unpopular people are especially susceptible to imaginary social fears, which drive them away from important social situations.

If you want to be more popular, you need to overcome these fears, summon all the courage you can, and step out of your bubble.

Popular people become popular by putting themselves out there. Go somewhere new. Do something exciting. Engage with a group of people you want to know, and of course, enjoy yourself.

The best way to be popular is to show up, introduce yourself, and have fun.

2. Be Interested

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Showing up is a critical first step, but, once you’re on the scene, what do you do to meet new people? How do you turn a stranger into a new friend?

Popular people make an effort to connect with others on a personal level. So they take an interest in your life, your passions, and your problems.

They may not know every detail about everyone they know, but that’s okay. They know enough to create a sense of comfort.

If you want to be popular, which is your goal. Get to know someone well enough to hold a conversation or crack a few jokes. Get a sense of who they are and what they like. Find some common ground and share funny stories from your past.

You may not know anything about this person, but there’s only one way to bridge the gap between you. You have to get to know each other, so don’t be afraid to get the ball rolling.

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3. Experience Diversity

Popular people are open-minded. They understand that everyone comes from a different background, and they’re curious about the values that make each of us different. If you want to meet new people and make new friends, widen your perspective. Learn to appreciate other schools of thought. If you’re only interested in reinforcing your own opinions, people aren’t going to feel comfortable around you.

Instead, they’ll hide a part of who they are in fear of rejection. Just like you care what other people think of you, other people care what you think of them. If you’re judging, criticizing, and shaming them, you aren’t going to develop a stronger connection. On the other hand, if you’re open, accepting, and curious, people will flock to you. Be the kind of person that encourages others to be themselves. You know that some perspectives and beliefs contradict your own. But you’re always willing to listen when someone wants to explain their opinions, ideas, or values. So give everyone a chance, even if you don’t understand where they come from or what they value. Growing more popular means exposing yourself to people of all backgrounds and beliefs.

How To Be Popular Anywhere

4. Intrinsic Security

When you enter an unfamiliar space or talk to a stranger, you may feel insecure. You may doubt yourself. You may worry about the way you look, the things you say, or the image other people see. When you’re feeling insecure, you wonder if you’re doing things right. You panic about whether or not people like you; but the greatest power of any popular person is their own approval. Popular people have faith in themselves to be themselves. While popularity doesn’t make you immune to insecurity, it does reinforce your personal security.
In other words, you learn that you are good enough the way you are. People aren’t expecting you to be anything more than what you are. To be popular, you don’t have to transform yourself into someone new. You don’t have to imitate someone else. Instead, be confident, secure, and positive. Let yourself have fun and be happy, because those are the things people want to see. When you’re personally secure, it gives other people the confidence to be themselves. It encouraged them to surrender their insecurities, escape their fears, and let go of their self-doubt. and that freedom is a great feeling. So find confidence in who you are and encourage others to do the same, because the most popular people stay true to themselves.

5. Contagious Energy

Are you an energetic and passionate person? Do you let others see the enthusiastic, exciting sides of your personality? Many people try to increase their popularity by creating emotional distance. You might think you’re making a great impression on the people around you, but what about all the emotions you’re suppressing? Those are the emotions people want to see. When you get excited about something, your excitement rubs off on the people around you.

When you’re passionate about something, your passion emanates from your personality and enlivens your social circle. The most popular people let themselves get excited. They aren’t trying to look cool. They’re not distant, aloof, or mysterious. Instead, they’re showing off all the things that make them excited, happy, and passionate. It’s their energy that inspires others to stick around. You don’t have to be the loudest voice in the room to be popular. You don’t have to be a social butterfly or a great conversationalist. But you do need to show your emotions to the world, because your emotions, especially the good ones, are contagious. Your passion spreads like wildfire, and your enthusiasm brightens the room. People want to hear what you have to say. People want to know how you feel. So don’t be afraid to tell them.

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6. Take Action

How often do you take the initiative? Do you wait for new people to approach you, or do you approach them?

It would be nice if a stranger took the imitative, but they probably won’t. Every once in a while, an outgoing person may take the initiative and start a conversation. They might ask you some questions and take the lead, but you shouldn’t rely on other people to strengthen your connections. If you want to expand your social circle, that responsibility falls on your shoulders.

Popularity is often a battle against passivity. That’s why popular people are active and involved in their social lives. Popular people are the ones who talk to strangers instead of hiding in the corner. Be an active contributor to your social world. If you’re not as popular as you’d like, it’s your job to make a change.

7. Smile through Failure

You don’t have to be talented, powerful, or wealthy to be popular. In fact, many of these qualities do more harm than good. At the end of the day, people like people they can relate to and relax with. They want friends who can enjoy themselves without turning everything into a competition or an argument.

So how do you become popular? Smile through failure. Try some things that you’ve never done before, and don’t be afraid of how you look. Each time you fall on your face, you have two options. You can wallow in your mistakes…or you can laugh it off, get back up, and try again.

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Reference: 7 Tips to Become Popular Overnight– Top Think

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