Blog Summary: This blog is on the Principles, Results of Our X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analysis.

Procedure for XRF Analysis
- Crushing each sample with an electric crusher and then pulverizing it for 60 seconds using
Herzog Gyro-mill (Simatic C7-621). - Pellets were prepared from the pulverized sample, first by grinding 20g of each sample with 0.4g of stearic acid for 60 seconds. After each grinding, the Gyro-mill was cleansed to avoid contamination.
- 1g of stearic acid was weighed into an aluminum cup to act as a binding agent and the cup was subsequently filled with the sample to the level point.
- The cup was then taken to Herzong pelletizing equipment where it was passed at a pressure of 200KN for 60 seconds.
- The 2mm pellets were added into a sample holder of the x-ray equipment (Phillips PW-1800) for analysis.
Review of Our X-ray Fluorescence (XRF)
This method operates on the principle of atomic physics and quantum chemistry. The specimens
were exposed to the entire spectrum of photons consisting of primary radiations emitted from a
standard X-ray tube. These irradiated specimens caused the elements in it to emit secondary
fluorescence with their characteristics of X-ray line spectra.

The energies and intensities of the emitted lines were determined by the detection system. This is
made up of two units; the primary channel simultaneous wavelength dispersive spectrometer and
the personal computer for control and data processing. The rapid detection system employs prepositioned (analyzing) crystal around the specimen. These cause the dispersion of the wavelength
of the secondary radiation.
The intensities of the individual wavelength are measured in a mass gas flow detector. This system
allows simultaneous measurements of up to ten elements at peak and background positions. The
output signals from the detector were fed into the analyzer, where the photon counts were stored
in the computer memories. The count rate was calibrated for each element by comparing it to the
count rate from a standard of accurately pre-determined composition.
The spectral line energies of wavelengths of the emitted lines were used in the quantitative
analysis of the element in the specimen. The intensities of the emitted line were related to their
concentration for quantitative analysis.
Results of Our X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analysis
Currently, we run three units for our X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analysis. You can see sample results here to be better informed of which to choose.
Costs of our XRF units
You may see price costs here for units one, two, and three to decide which works within your budget.
End Note:
This blog on the Principles and Results of Our X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analysis is written with snippets from Wikipedia. For details on our analysis, please go to our analytical helpdesk or write the chief analyst viz – [email protected]. Thank you